Our Humble Advice for the Biden Administration During Lent 

Caroline Wharton - 27 Feb 2023

The Lenten season has begun for observant Christians of many stripes, signaling a period of 40 days in which Christians remember how their Lord suffered for them, and this includes President Joe Biden, a self-proclaimed Roman Catholic. Students for Life of America (SFLA) Press Strategist and Staff Writer Caroline Wharton recently published an op-ed on this topic at Townhall entitled “A Pro-Lifer’s Suggestions for President Biden During Lent,” in which she identifies three things Biden should reflect on during this period of the Church calendar, beginning with repentance.  

She writes, “Contrary to God’s righteous will, abortion has been a central theme of the Biden presidency as the Administration has seemingly pulled every string possible to support the killing of preborn children. Since the reversal of Roe, many government agencies have engaged in mental gymnastics to concoct measures which uphold abortion.”  

Citing actions from the Food and Drug Administration to the Department of Justice to the United States Attorney General, Wharton links together the many pro-abortion actions that Biden’s Administration has taken. She urges, “In this season, it is time to realize how we have sinned against God by sinning against the preborn and vulnerable women.”  

Wharton continues by emphasizing the need for prayer in this season, as well. She juxtaposes how Christians are taught to love and pray for the edification and preservation of all with the Biden Administration’s ruthless rhetoric against children born out of circumstances considered less than ideal. She writes

“As we go to our Lord in prayer, President Biden and every Christian should remember Paul’s exhortation that “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people” (1 Tim. 2:1). Instead of scorning some based upon their conception and encouraging others to abandon their familial vocations, we should thank God for each life and pray for their protection.” 

Lastly, she attacks the federal funding of the abortion giant Planned Parenthood, arguing that taxpayer funding should pay for life-affirming resources — not death. Wharton states: 

“In Planned Parenthood’s latest report from 2020 – 2021, the abortion giant amassed $633.4 million from taxpayers with the largest single source of their income coming from Government Health Services Reimbursements & Grants. But what if this money was used to fund organizations which help people instead of harming and killing them? To offer authentic support, President Biden’s team should defund organizations which commit/refer for abortions and streamline cash to life-affirming organizations, such as pregnancy resource centers (PRCs).”  

To read Wharton’s Townhall op-ed in its entirety, click HERE.  

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