GUEST POST: Despite serious pushback, threats of violence, and harassment this semester, Tigers for Life at Clemson University has persevered in its mission to protect innocent children and vulnerable women from abortion. Our group hosted a successful event on campus with Students for Life of America (SFLA) President Kristan Hawkins, recruited new members, and had so many opportunities to watch hearts and minds change on abortion. I’m happy to say that we’ve made breakthroughs in creating a campus culture of life; here’s what we’ve been up to this semester:
When I started Tigers for Life during my freshman year, I had no idea it would grow into a student organization of 70 plus students who are passionate about making a difference on our campus. Even when facing pro-abortion suppression and hate, Tigers for Life has never backed down from working to accomplish our goal of loving all life — born and preborn.

Through tabling on campus, my group has had the opportunity to be a voice of hope and healing to students who have had abortions. We have connected post-abortive women with local resources to help them find healing from the trauma of abortion. No woman should live in silent pain and have their hurt dismissed.
Last month, Tigers for Life was also thrilled to have the opportunity to host Hawkins on her Make Abortion Illegal Again campus speaking tour. During the weeks leading up to the event, we faced extreme amounts of hate and pushback. However, we hosted a successful event anyways with more than 400 people in attendance. SFLA posted a blog regarding what I and other members of Tigers for Life faced leading up to the event — it was rough, to say the least. You can read the full story HERE.

After the event, Tigers for Life members spoke to several students leaving the event who shared that their mind had been changed on abortion. We recruited new students to join Tigers for Life and connected with several people in our community who want to partner and help us on our mission.
Tigers for Life also hosted several educational meetings for members, tabling, outreach events on campus, and wrapped Christmas gifts for children connected with our local pregnancy resource center. It was a joy to create Christmas joy for others.
At the end of this semester, we have seen Tigers for Life grow into a coordinated, nationally recognized student organization with many active members who share the same goal: to use our voices to speak up for those whose voices will never be heard. One third of our generation is missing from this world directly because of abortion, and many women have been wounded by the abortion industry as well. For each and every one of these lives, we exist on campus and work to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable.

Today, society wants nothing more than to trick people into believing that the pro-life movement is just a bunch of old, white men who want to control women’s bodies. To set the record straight, there’s nothing wrong with old, white men, but in reality, we are the face of the pro-life movement. We are equipped and strong students that are passionate about protecting women and their children. We do not stand alone, either.
We stand alongside an entire movement of men and women who are equipped with endless material and financial resources to ensure no woman ever stands alone. We are here. We are ready — and we will stop at nothing to bring an end to abortion in our lifetime. See you next semester, and stay tuned to hear about how we are cultivating a culture of life in the new year.
READ NEXT: The 2022 Pro-Abortion Dictionary: Crazy Terms, No-No Words & Definition Changes
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