In yet another threat of violence from pro-abortion supporters claiming to be a part of the domestic terrorist group “Jane’s Revenge,” the Students for Life Action (SFLAction) team in Nebraska found a note promising gun violence this morning when they showed up to host a political training. The handwritten flyer threatened to “shoot up” the Pro-Life Generation if Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) Campaign for Abortion Free Cities initiative succeeded in shutting down late-term abortion facilities in the state. Here’s what you need to know:
On Saturday, December 3, 2022, SFLAction scheduled a Political Workshop in Omaha, Nebraska to gather pro-life activists from across the state to strategize about how to use the Campaign for Abortion Free Cities to shut down the late-term abortion facility in the state. The facility is operated by the infamous Dr. Leroy Carhart, who has made a career out of killing preborn children and traumatically harming their mothers in the process. He currently has a lawsuit filed against him after a woman who woke up from her anesthesia, crying out as her uterus was perforated, only to find parts of her baby were still left inside of her.

SFLAction has been persistent in working against his horrific facilities, but apparently local abortion radicals are so accepting of such violence that they have now promised their own — using guns this time, instead of scalpels and suctions. The SFLAction team showed up to the St. John Paul II Newman Center, the site for their training this morning, and found the following note taped to one of the doors:
“Dear [name removed],
If our rights to abortion in Bellevue is taken away due to the attempts to pass an abortion ban and it gets passed, we will shoot up your Newman Center with our new AR-14 rifles. Sincerely, Jane’s Revenge.”

If all the other incidents of pro-abortion threats and violence haven’t convinced you of this yet, let this threat of a shooting sink in: when we as a society accept violence in the womb, it won’t stop there. If pro-abortion radicals are A-Okay with killing preborn babies, what’s the difference between killing someone who’s born already? Nothing; the morality behind both is the same because it comes from the idea that human life isn’t valuable and doesn’t need to be respected. That’s why these abortion supporters are saying they’ll kill us if we don’t let them kill others in the womb.
SFLAction has called the police in order to properly investigate the matter, as we take the security of the Pro-Life Generation seriously.
In a tweet thread, SFLAction President Kristan Hawkins commented on the situation, calling for continual prayer for the Pro-Life Generation and real action from our nation’s law enforcement agencies. She stated:

“We are headed towards tragedy if AG Merrick Garland continues to refuse to act to protect peaceful pro-lifers from pro-abortion terrorist groups. Sadly, the incendiary comments of leaders like Hillary Clinton yesterday comparing pro-lifers to the Taliban is case in point the poisoned political climate being deliberately fostered by corporate abortion and their allies.
“The Biden Administration is laying the groundwork for deadly violence against pro-lifers while they support violence against those in the womb. They must act.”
Media reports show that the FBI is being unresponsive about this attack.
Click HERE to read SFLAction’s press release on the incident, and stay tuned to the blog for further updates.
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