Students for Life spent all day in Washington, D.C. on the first day of the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings to show our support for this highly qualified nominee. Highlights included pro-life women in Supreme Court Justice costumes, a display of a pregnant woman amplifying her baby’s heartbeat, rallying, and a prayer service.
Students for Life’s #ConfirmAmy activities have been picked up by Nightline, the New York Times, USA Today, and many other outlets. What follows is a media roundup and collection of photos/video from our activities.
Students for Life on Nightline
Fetal Heartbeat Display
Students for Life Facebook Live #1
Students for Life Facebook Live #2
Confirm Amy Coney Barrett Video
Photos from the Day
Media Coverage
Students for Life Op-Eds
RealClearPolitics – Barrett Is Hardly the First Nominee to Take Abortion Stance
Fox – Feminists and Amy Coney Barrett – this is why they should support her confirmation
Students for Life Press Releases
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