Over the course of the school year, Students for Life’s Pregnant on Campus Initiative:
- Collected over 418,500 diapers as well as other items like clothes, bottles, and much more;
- Hosted 243 baby drives;
- Raised more than $100,000 for pregnant and parenting students, including more than $41,940 for student scholarships;
- Reported 1,812 hours volunteering;
- Equipped 51 Students for Life groups to work with their school administrators to bring these resources directly to their campus health center;
- AND, through support, conversation and caring, helped 22 women considering abortion to choose life for their child.
WASHINGTON D.C. (07-01-2020) – Wrapping up the school year, Students for Life of America’s Pregnant on Campus Coordinator Camille Cisneros noted that students’ commitment to helping their fellow students was so strong, it was a record -breaking year for the program, highlighted by 22 women who chose life for their babies. She observed, “This school year has been full of ups and downs, but one thing that has remained the same is that the Pro-Life Generation is committed to making abortion unthinkable by changing their campuses to be supportive communities for pregnant and parenting moms in need.”
SFLA’s Pregnant on Campus Initiative provides opportunities for students to serve fellow students, to work with school administrators to make a more family-friendly campus, and advocates for students’ Title IX rights, including Students for Life’s authored Pregnant on Campus Bill of Rights.
“Too often, our Students for Life leaders meet students on campus who tell us about problems with housing and childcare as well as difficulties with scholarships and classroom accommodation,” said Cisneros. “An important part of our work is educating school administrators as well as students about what their rights are so that pregnant and parenting students can be accommodated as they deserve.”
Writing at National Review, SFLA President Kristan Hawkins talked about the importance of the POC initiative, noting: “A Pew Charitable Trust study reported that 47 percent of people who do not achieve a college degree stay at the same economic level for life, while almost nine out of ten people who earn a degree achieve upward mobility. Yet few college and universities focus on the needs of those who are pregnant and parenting, which is now about one in five college students.
“With more than 1,200 groups on college and university campuses, SFLA understands the challenges facing these students. SFLA’s Pregnant on Campus team developed a template for evaluating schools looking at five key issues: Title IX compliance, housing access, on-campus resources, financial assistance, and medical attention.”
SFLA is engaged in on-going analysis of college campuses to determine how well they help pregnant and parenting students, working with Student Activities Directors, Title IX Coordinators, Housing Directors, and Financial Aid offices, and other school officials to help pregnant and parenting students succeed at school.
To read one mom’s Pregnant on Campus story, as told on Fox News, click here.
To learn more about SFLA’s other campus accomplishments during Covid-19, click here.
For media interviews, e-mail Kristi at [email protected].
Students for Life of America is the nation’s largest, pro-life, youth organization. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, SFLA serves more than 1,245 groups on college, universities and high school campuses in all 50 states.
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