“This is why the Pro-Life Generation votes pro-life first,” said SFLAction’s Kristan Hawkins. “The fact that two, newly elected legislators in the House will make signing the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act discharge petition one of their first acts in office explains the importance of prioritizing the human rights issue of our day when casting every vote.”
WASHINGTON D.C. (05-19-2020) – Students for Life Action President Kristan Hawkins welcomed Rep. Mike Garcia (CA-25) and Rep. Tom Tiffany (WI-7) to serve in the U.S. House as the newest members of the 116th Congress and applauded reports that both plan to sign the Born Alive Survivors Protection Act later today. “It is the bare minimum of human decency that we require that life-saving care be provided to a baby born alive during a botched abortion,” said Hawkins. “Allowing a child to die after birth is infanticide and makes a lie of every abortion argument. The mother is no longer an issue while the born child’s life is on the line, deserving love and medical care.”
The discharge petition to force a vote on this effort to stop legal infanticide needs 218 signatures. After Garcia and Tiffany sign, the count will be at 205.
The House effort follows a failed vote in the U.S. Senate in which while a majority of Senators voted to protect the infants, 60 votes were not achieved for a super majority. At that time, Hawkins observed, “The only silver lining is that every Senator and member of the House is now on record for whether they support medical care for babies born during abortions and for what protection they would offer preborn infants at 5 months of pregnancy and beyond.”
For those who argue that late-term abortion and infanticide don’t take place, consider this from National Review:“According to estimates from the pro-choice Guttmacher Institute, about 1.3 percent of annual abortions in the U.S. occur after 20 weeks, which does sound rare — until you consider that the Guttmacher also estimates about 926,000 annual abortions, meaning that about 12,000 take place after viability. As Ramesh Ponnuru often points out, that means there are more post-viability abortions each year than gun homicides, according to the most recent FBI estimates.”
Students for Life Action is engaged in a voter mobilization campaign, hiring regional leaders and gathering volunteers to encourage people to Vote Pro-Life First. Learn more here.
Click here to read more from Hawkins at Fox as she discussed an exchange she had with a Boston College student on when a baby is NOT a baby. Click here to hear from abortion survivors in their own words.
Click here to read Hawkins’ op-ed on why she is a single-issue voter for life.
For interviews or analysis, contact Kristi Hamrick at [email protected]
Students for Life Action is the c4 arm of Students for Life and engages the Pro-Life Generation to create a post-Roe America.
Students for Life of America is the nation’s largest, pro-life, youth organization. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, SFLA serves more than 1250 groups on middle school, high school, college, universities, medical and law school campuses in all 50 states.
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