Abortion Supporters Tell Girl with Disability, “You Should’ve Been Aborted”

Lori Cascio - 27 Apr 2020

Last Friday night, after thousands of viewers watched Students for Life’s online showing of the movie Unplanned10 chat groups were run by 10 SFLA team members to facilitate a debrief. We spoke with about 50 people of all ages and backgrounds!  

The emotions were across the board. One woman was in tears. Others were angry, in disbelief, or otherwise upset. No matter the feelings, everyone was given the chance to talk things through, get their questions answered with our team, and take the next step to get involved.

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A high school student with a disability that prevents her from talking easily tried to get involved in the Pro-Life Movement by being bold on her social media. She became heartbroken when told by abortion supporters, “You should’ve been aborted.” The participants on the Unplanned debrief call were all were able to give her strategiesencouragement, and resources, like SFLA Headquarters, to keep her head up and keep sharing the truth. Plus, the movie gave her motivation and a reminder of why it’s so important to never give up. 

An older woman on a later call was “astonished at the sheer machinery of Planned Parenthood.” They don’t care about women. On that call was a representative from Silent No More, a post-abortive healing ministry. She agreed by sharing her own experience. “My abortion began by going to Planned Parenthood. They talked me into it, made the arrangements, and referred me to an abortion facility. They get women to be dependent on them. We need to offer life-affirming resources and show women they don’t need to depend on this organization.” 

People are being encouraged to get involved in whatever way they can. One older woman who is paralyzed gave a $100 donation to help the pro-life movement. And, despite COVID-19, students across the nation are getting connected with their SFLA Regional Coordinators to make a difference at their schools and beyond in their communities.  

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