HAPPENING THIS FALL: Lydia Taylor Davis Takes Her Speaking Tour, “Abortion is Violence” to Campuses All Over the Country
Jordan Estabrook | July 31, 2024
Following her first speaking tour this past spring, “Not Your Body, Not Your Choice,” Students for Life of America (SFLA) Spokesperson and Social Media Coordinator Lydia Taylor Davis will return to American college campuses this fall on her second speaking tour, “Abortion is Violence.” Davis has first-hand experience with the violence of the abortion movement as she has spent the
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Defending Freedom of Speech: Students for Life of America’s Top 2023-24 Free Speech Cases
Olivia Torralba | July 26, 2024
As Students for Life of America (SFLA) continues to grow and exceed expectations on the national playing field, our students face even more adversity as they fight for their First Amendment rights. The post-Roe 2023-24 school year yielded a historic record of free speech issues, with more than 100 student groups reporting First Amendment violations to SFLA. The 2023-2024 school
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Are You Pro-Life? WARNING: U.S. Army is Being Trained to See YOU as a TERRORIST
Jordan Estabrook | July 12, 2024
Do you sport pro-life bumper stickers on your car? Do you wear pro-life T-shirts, perhaps from Students for Life of America (SFLA)? Have you made a Facebook post praising life-affirming ideas or sharing a pro-life article? Well, you, pro-life friend, are seen as a “terrorist.” No, this article isn’t just a fantastical and nonsensical claim to match a hyperbolic headline,
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Peaceful Pro-Lifer and Father of 11 Receives NO Jail Time After Biden’s Weaponized Department of Justice Prosecuted Him for Alleged FACE Act Violations
Jordan Estabrook | July 2, 2024
“Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) has abused their discretion in going after Americans not based on what they do, but how they think. This includes six pro-life individuals who were unjustly prosecuted for singing hymns and praying, which today lands them in federal prison,” said Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) Kristan Hawkins. “Consider that in America, squatters can basically steal an
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This School Year’s Mission: Playing “Where’s Waldo?” With Kamala Harris and Joe Biden
Jordan Estabrook | April 26, 2024
As abortion continues to heat up in multiple states this coming primary election, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris prove to their abortion supporters just how serious, brave, and bold they are on abortion extremism. That is, if you consider “bold” being hiding the exact location of your abortion advocacy event and shielding the public from asking actual,
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Students For Life is Focused on Florida — From Speeches to Billboard Trucks to Playing “Where’s Waldo?” With Biden: Here’s What We’ve Been Up To
Jordan Estabrook | April 25, 2024
With abortion on the ballot in Florida this November, Students for Life of America (SFLA) is laser-focused on informing Floridians, including rallying, mobilizing, door-knocking, tabling, campus conversations, and attending coalition meetings. Kristan Hawkins visited Miami, along with our brand-new billboard truck, and we protested President Joe Biden in Tampa. From now until November, we’re all hands-on deck, ensuring Floridians not
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Students for Life of America Calls for Assurances That Terrorism Accusations Propped up with Government Funding to the University of Maryland’s START project Will Truly Cease & Desist
Kristi Hamrick | April 21, 2024
“Too little, too late: After receiving a letter from our attorneys demanding that a website funded in part by Homeland Security end its vicious smears of peaceful pro-life students on a terrorism tracker, the mention of Students for Life of America quietly disappeared,” noted Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins. “Use of the delete key on the START
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Abortion Petitioners Call the Police on Pro-Life Students: How to Interact with Opposition and Know Your Rights
Jordan Estabrook | April 18, 2024
GUEST POST by Jeremiah Zimmerman, member of University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) Students for Life In Nebraska, pro-abortion advocates are pushing a ballot initiative for the November polls that would add an abortion-enshrining amendment to the state’s constitution. The proposed amendment would provide a “fundamental right to abortion until fetal viability” according to “the professional judgment of the patient’s treating health
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Smashing and Trashing in the Sunshine State: Cemetery of the Innocents Gets Vandalized, But that Won’t Stop the Pro-Life Generation from Reaching the Youth
Jordan Estabrook | April 16, 2024
When there’s no logic left, some abortion enthusiasts turn to vandalism, which is what happened in the sunshine state of Florida. Vandals trashed a Cemetery of the Innocents set up by Students for Life at the University of Florida. Florida Regional Coordinator Kristen Wayne was on the ground when students stepped on the Cemetery of the Innocents and broke
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Pro-Abortion Student Gets Slap on the Wrist for Pregnancy Center Vandalism, Showing Blatant Hypocrisy of the FACE Act
Morgan Reece | April 9, 2024
The sentencing trial of Whitney Durant, who goes by Soren Monroe, took place today, and I’d like to say this is a win for the pro-life movement and scream from the rooftops, “Justice served!” But I can’t. The blatant hypocrisy regarding how the Department of Justice treats pro-life “crimes” and crimes from pro-abortion zealots is an unignorable blot in the
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