Pro-Choice Vandal Attacks Pro-Life Sign During Bridge Display
Brenna Lewis | May 13, 2020
Pro-life advocates are no strangers to discrimination, destruction of our property, occasional physical violence, and other mistreatment… unfortunately. And, during an outreach event in Chicago, some members of SFLA’s young adult chapter Chicago Pro-Life Future, had an up-close and personal experience with someone who preferred destruction over dialogue. You can watch the video below… The vice president of Chicago Pro-Life
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chicago plf bridge vandal
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Pro-Choice Students Call Pro-Lifers “Medical Terrorists,” Try to Get Them Kicked Off of Campus
Brenna Lewis | April 30, 2020
“Pro-choice students at Case Western University have bought into the abortion industry propaganda against the pro-life movement. It is a sad state of our education system when students cannot truly think critically and have to resort to baseless attacks’, said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America. CLEVELAND, OH and FREDERICKSBURG, VA (4-30-2020)– Pro-choice students at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio
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Catholic Marquette University Boasts About Alumni Working At Planned Parenthood
Brenna Lewis | April 20, 2020
UPDATE: An e-mail from the university on 4/21 stated that the person in the photo was an alumni, not a student. The title and article have been updated to reflect that. The university did not respond to our question about if the university grants internship credits to students that intern at Planned Parenthood. Marquette University, a Catholic university in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
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Before Coronavirus, Campuses Were Plagued With Series Of Vandalisms
Brenna Lewis | March 27, 2020
In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, including the shut down of hundreds of schools across the campus, one story may have been lost; the vandalism and violence against pro-life groups on high school and college campuses across the country. Colorado State University-Fort Collins The students were hosting the “Heart to Heart” Spring 2020 campus tour display which seeks to educate
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VIOLENCE! Pro-Choicers Punch Pro-Life Student, But He’s Not Backing Down
Brenna Lewis | March 19, 2020
“On-going reports of violence against pro-lifers peacefully praying should concern everyone who believes that our First Amendment rights matter,” said Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins. BELLINGHAM, WA (03-19-2020) – Students for Life of America is continuing to monitor the escalating violence outside a Bellingham Planned Parenthood, where pro-abortion extremists continue to attack students with Whatcom College Students for Life who are participating
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Pro-Choicers Yell “Hail Satan” And Obscenities At Peacefully Praying Pro-Lifers
Brenna Lewis | March 9, 2020
Fire Department, Police Department Called to Bellingham Planned Parenthood after Mysterious Liquid Thrown at Pro-Lifers defamed by Multiple Obscenities, Threats and Lewdness “Whatcom Students for Life bravely stood up against the threats of intimidation and the obscenities hurled at them by violent pro-choicers. Such violence is always tragic, but more and more commonplace, especially in a time in which the
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(VIDEO): Pro-Choice California Students Chant “F*ck Them Kids” At Pro-Lifers
Brenna Lewis | March 5, 2020
Pro-choice students at Cal-Poly University were understandably upset last week when Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, came to campus. After all, how could pro-lifers be on their campus? Presumably, they were even more upset when they found out she was speaking on campus that night too! On Thursday, February 27th, Hawkins and Cal-Poly Students for Life set up
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Western Washington University Vandals Destroy Pro-Life Chalkings
Brenna Lewis | March 2, 2020
Western Washington University is investigating vandalism after vandals destroyed chalkings by the conservative Young Americans for Freedom group on campus. The group had chalked numerous messages on campus, including pro-life messages such as, “Abortion is not healthcare.” YAF’s website reports, “Conservative activists in the Western Washington Young Americans for Freedom chapter stayed up all night monitoring their chalking display until
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Students for Life Condemns Vandalism at Cal Poly–San Luis Obispo Ahead of Speaking Tour Stop
Brenna Lewis | February 27, 2020
“Colleges should be places open to learning and dialogue. We strongly condemn all vandalism against pro-life views,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America. San Luis Obispo, CA (2-27-2020)–Reacting to the news that hundreds of fliers advertising her speech were torn down ahead of a speaking tour stop at Cal Poly, Kristan Hawkins stated, “Vandalism is a
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