Category: pro-life

From Pro Football Hall of Fame to Pro-Life Champion, Tony Dungy Challenges Kamala Harris
Jordan Estabrook | September 23, 2024
Vice President Kamala Harris finally emerged from hiding to do media rounds with the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) and Oprah Winfrey to campaign for president. With the tragic story of a Georgia mom and her preborn twins dying from Chemical Abortion Pills, Harris’ abortion comments have caught the eye of football coach legend and first Black head coach

The Campaign for Abortion Free Cities Wraps Up Its Annual Summer of Service!
Kate Maloney | September 19, 2024
Every year, the Campaign for Abortion Free Cities launches its annual Summer of Service, which kicks off in July and ends just past Labor Day. You may ask, what is the goal of our annual Summer of Service? It’s simple: to SERVE our neighbors and stand in the gap for women and families. Are you aware that 73% of our

Meet Rhyan Klostermeyer, One of National Leaders Collective’s September Leader of the Month
Rhyan Klostermeyer | September 19, 2024
Rhyan Klostermeyer is one of the National Leaders Collective’s leaders of the month and a William Wilberforce Fellow attending the University of Montana. The NLC is for high school or college students interested in pursuing and working in the pro-life movement. Strobel is one of those students who gained confidence in speaking out on pro-life issues at his high school

Meet Allison Clements, One of National Leaders Collective’s September Leader of the Month
Allison Clements | September 19, 2024
Allison Clements, one of the National Leaders Collective’s (NLC) leaders of the month, is a Hildegard Art Fellow attending Grand Canyon University in Arizona. The NLC is for high school or college students interested in pursuing and working in the pro-life movement. Strobel is one of those students who gained the confidence to speak out on pro-life issues at his

Meet Aiden Strobel, One of National Leaders Collective’s September Leader of the Month
Aiden Strobel | September 19, 2024
Aiden Strobel, one of the National Leaders Collective’s (NLC) leaders of the month, is a senior at Marquette High School in Missouri and a part of the Thaddeus Stevens Fellowship. The NLC is for high school or college students interested in pursuing and working in the pro-life movement. Strobel is one of those students who gained the confidence to speak

Amber Thurman could have died in a pro-abortion state like Keisha Atkins did. Here’s why.
Jordan Estabrook | September 19, 2024
This article by Michael Seibel, pro-life abortion malpractice attorney based, was initially published at LiveAction and reposted here with LiveAction’s permission. The original article can be found here. I am heartbroken upon the news of the tragic death of Amber Thurman. As an experienced malpractice attorney in the OBGYN/abortion area of practice, it turned my stomach to see ProPublica and the author

After Tik Tok Fought for Free Speech in Court, They BANNED Students for Life of America’s Account for Exposing the Realities of Late-Term Abortion
Jordan Estabrook | September 18, 2024
STUDENTS FOR LIFE OF AMERICA CENSORED 180 TIMES IN 24 HOURS. REQUIRING AN EQUAL NUMBER OF APPEALS “After ABC News moderators hypocritically ‘fact-checked’ former President Donald Trump during the Presidential debate, including the false claim that late-term abortion is nonexistent in America, TikTok has joined in covering it up,” said Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins. “While they allow

Students for Life of America Spokesperson EXPOSES Colorado Late-Term Abortion Facility in Shocking Video
Jordan Estabrook | September 16, 2024
ABC moderators, who shilled for Vice President Kamala Harris in the recent presidential debate against former President Donald Trump, falsely claimed that late-term abortions don’t happen. In an appalling Instagram video, Students for Life of America (SFLA) spokesperson Lydia Taylor Davis put this “fact check” to the test. READ: What DID Taylor Swift See in the Presidential Debate? Fact-Checking Kamala Harris’

Charlotte Lozier Institute Gives the Facts on Rh D Isoimmunization
Jordan Estabrook | September 16, 2024
This article was written and approved for resharing by Vice President and Director of Medical Affairs for Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) Ingrid Skop, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. The original article can be viewed on CLI’s website. When a pregnant woman presents for medical care, it is standard to perform various tests and exams for her and her unborn baby’s health, including a physical exam, ultrasound,

Students for Life of America Staffer Calls out Taylor Swift for Backing Anti-Woman and Abortion Extremists Harris and Walz in DailyWire Open Letter
Jordan Estabrook | September 13, 2024
Students for Life of America (SFLA) Southeast Campus Formation Coordinator and dedicated Swiftie Mary-Logan Miske lamented Swift’s ill-informed endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz in a DailyWire open letter. In particular, Miske questioned how her pro-woman and pro-feminism stances could blend with killing preborn women in the womb and advocating for candidates who would thumbs