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National Pro-Life Chalk Day

Join us on Tuesday, March 18 for National Pro-Life Chalk Day.

This National Pro-Life Chalk Day, we are raising awareness about the devastating impacts of Chemical Abortion Pills. Also known as RU-486 or medication abortion, this deadly two-drug regimen first starves and kills a preborn baby (via the drug Mifepristone) and then expels the dead remains out of their mother's uterus (via Misoprostol). Chemical Abortions now account for more than half of all United States abortions.

Beyond killing preborn life, these drugs are also detrimental to women's lives. Chemical Abortion Pills are four times riskier than surgical abortions with serious risks to women, including severe pain, prolonged bleeding, infections, damaged fertility, and even death. In addition, women are also at a higher risk of mental health issues, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts.

Despite these grave dangers, the abortion industry aggressively markets Chemical Abortion Pills as safe and easy, often misleading women and totally ignoring their needs. This National Pro-Life Chalk Day, we aim to equip our peers with the knowledge to counter these deadly pills, advocate for mothers and their preborn children, and provide education on life-saving resources like Abortion Pill Reversal.

Together, we can expose the harmful truth behind Chemical Abortion Pills and promote loving, life-affirming alternatives!

On Tuesday, March 18, the Pro-Life Generation will be chalking across the nation to educate our country about Chemical Abortion Pills.


Need ideas for what to chalk? Here are some examples you can use:

  • “We are the Pro-Life Generation
  • “Women don’t need abortion”
  • “Dear women, the Abortion Industry is lying to you...”
  •  “If your healthcare kills, it's not healthcare."
  •  “Need resources for your pregnancy? Go to”
  • “Women need love, NOT abortion”
  • “Go to for help! You are NOT alone!”
  • “Chemical Abortion: These Pills Kill!”
  • “Chemical Abortion Pills harm women!”
  • “Chemical Abortion Pills end lives”
  • “Chemical Abortion: Risky for Moms, Deadly for Babies”
  • “Chemical Abortion has killed 30 women”
  • “Women deserve better than Chemical Abortion”
  • “You can reverse Chemical Abortion! Call 877-558-0333 for Abortion Pill Reversal”

You can also consider chalking the sidewalks with fetal development facts, drawings of babies, or drawings of pregnant women.

Register HERE by Monday, March 10 at 5 p.m. EST to get your FREE chalk & resource kit!

And don't forget: It's a competition!

  • 1st place winners will receive a $100 Amazon gift card.
  • 2nd place winners will receive a $25 Amazon gift card and up to five, free t-shirts from the SFLA Shop.
  • 3rd place winners will receive a $15 Amazon gift card and up to three, free t-shirts from the SFLA Shop.

How do you Enter to Win?

Chalk outside of your school or in your community. Take pictures of your chalk. Send your submissions for Chalk Day to  [email protected] by 3:30 p.m. EST on Friday, March 21 to qualify to win. Be sure to TAG @StudentsforLife in your social media posts!


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Supplies are limited! Sign up now to secure your FREE kit.