After months of battling Sonia Sotomayor High School’s school administration over his Students for Life of America (SFLA) group being discriminated against, Diego Salinas stood up for his pro-life free speech rights.

At first, the school “slow walked” the club’s approval, but after intense backlash and bullying from other students, the school forced Salinas to shut down his club, which is a violation of the First Amendment.
READ SALINAS’ ARTICLE: I Got “Canceled” By My High School for Starting a Students for Life of America Group: Here’s How I’m Fighting Back
“It took a month for the vice principal to agree to meet and discuss where the club was in the establishment process…It wasn’t until the summer that the board finally reached out and agreed to discuss it,” Salines told SFLA, later describing his school’s unconstitutional ask once the club was instated. “Parents were emailing the school, and people in the hallways of my school were calling me a ‘nazi’ and a ‘misogynist,’ all for creating a school club advocating for preborn life. It didn’t take long for the vice principal to call me into her office regarding the club. She told me that she was made aware of the Instagram account and wanted me to delete it.”
With the help of SFLA legal counsel, Salinas sent a demand letter to the school to reinstate his club.

“It wasn’t just my First Amendment rights that were compromised; it was every student who was part of my club,” wrote Salinas in an SFLA article. “Every student said they feared speaking up because they feared people’s reactions to an opinion. SFLA’s legal team has reached out to my school to reinstate the club, and when it is, I will lead my group to a successful year full of activism and positivity to show the school and the students that Wildcats for Life is here to stay.”
Salinas isn’t afraid to let the nation know that stifling pro-life speech at a granule level leads to broader and far-reaching censorship. He recently spoke to a local news outlet about his situation and his desire to have the same rights to have an educational and positive club that affirms the sanctity of life.
I have often wondered why I chose this hard road, but I always remember my reason: to save lives, to speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves, and to be a true man by advocating for the preborn and women,” Salinas wrote. “So, I will continue to fight and never give up because I know what’s at stake.”

Though the school has not yet addressed free speech censorship, Salinas and SFLA legal counsel will continue to fight for both Salinas’ rights and the rights of pro-lifers’ free speech.
READ NEXT: Students for Life of America Group Claps Back Against University’s $5,000 Fine… And Wins
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