Congratulations to Choose Life at Yale, Students for Life of America’s October 2024 Group of the Month!   

Jessica Power - 28 Oct 2024

These Ivy Leaguers did not waste any time this semester spreading the pro-life message on their campus! Choose Life at Yale (CLAY) is the pro-life student organization at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, and is Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) October 2024 Group of the Month  

CLAY was founded in 2003 after the Yale administration held a vigil celebrating the 30th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which allowed more than 60 million infant lives in the womb to be killed. Since 2003, CLAY has advocated for the right to life and supported pregnant and parenting students on Yale’s campus in many ways.   

Philosophy and Science   

The group kicked off the 2024-2025 school year with pro-life apologetics training. The training sparked a great discussion about scientific and philosophical pro-life arguments while preparing students for a successful school year of pro-life activism.   

Go Fund Yourself, Planned Parenthood Tour Sparks Meaningful Discussion  

CLAY hosted SFLA’s Go Fund Yourself in September, the Planned Parenthood National Pro-Life Campus Tour. In four hours, the group had over 70 conversations with Yale students, exposing the abortion industry’s racist and unsafe history and informing students about life-affirming alternatives to Planned Parenthood Federally Qualified Health Centers  

CLAY members also had thought-provoking conversations with Yale students who had never thought about the issue of abortion before. CLAY’s President, Emma Ventresca (Yale ‘26), had a great discussion with a classmate. In a recent article by Grant Shanklin, assistant editor at The Beacon, Yale University’s school newspaper, Ventresca described the conversation as “the most fulfilling discussion she’d ever had.” After a meaningful discussion about abortion, Ventresca’s classmate agreed to “dig deeper into the reality of abortion and said he would do further research on his own time.”  

While some students were less receptive to the display, taking photos of the students and crumpling up tabling resources, Emma’s discussion with her classmate is just one example of Yale students’ meaningful discussions about abortion through SFLA’s National Pro-Life Campus Tour.  

Spreading the Pro-Life Message Through Sidewalk Chalk  

CLAY also hosted a successful “chalk day” this semester! These pro-life bulldogs spent their meeting time chalking pro-life messages across Yale’s campus, encouraging students to choose life! They even had a future “Yalie” join in on the fun!   

Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Students  

CLAY also acts as a resource for pregnant and parenting students. This semester, it hosted the Women’s Center of Eastern Connecticut’s pregnancy resource van on Yale’s campus. The van provides free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and counseling to women facing unexpected pregnancies. CLAY also co-sponsored a baby-blanket making event this semester and is currently collecting donations for a local pregnancy resource center. 

Looking Forward  

As the semester continues, these pro-lifers are not slowing down. Last weekend, CLAY hosted their annual Vita et Veritas Conference. Since 2013, the group has brought several prominent pro-life leaders to Yale’s campus to equip and inspire pro-life students throughout New England and the Northeast region to continue to fight for the right to life. This weekend, the group expects to host nearly 100 community leaders and students from universities throughout the region. You can learn more about the conference here. Additionally, CLAY is also hosting a candlelit prayer vigil Monday, Oct. 28 at 9 p.m. on campus to pray for a greater respect for the dignity and sanctity of human life. 

CLAY is a stellar example of how to successfully advocate for life on a university campus. SFLA is honored to work with such an amazing group of students and is excited to see what else this group accomplishes during the 2024-2025 school year!   

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