The Pro-Life Generation (PLG) holds an important goal: to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable.
This can be difficult for a generation that has only known Roe v. Wade and finds barring abortion to be unthinkable. Changing a generation for life starts with changing one mind and one door at a time. We want to shape our laws to protect preborn babies and build a culture of life where women facing unplanned pregnancies feel loved and supported. This is key to saving pre-born lives and the goal of the Campaign for Abortion Free Cities (AFC).

The Campaign for Abortion Free Cities was started as an initiative of the Pro-life Generation in 2021 as a way for Students for Life of America (SFLA) alumni to stay connected to the pro-life movement. Currently,
AFC has 30 campaigns across the United States, each focusing on one city or town. As the Campaign for Abortion Free Cities manager, I started the Miami campaign in the spring of 2024 with SFLA members and alumni.
Did you know that Miami-Dade County has the highest abortion rate in the state of Florida, with over 15,000 abortions committed in 2022? In low-income communities, abortion is seen by many as their best option when faced with an unexpected pregnancy. Additionally, Florida is facing a pro-abortion ballot initiative this election season. Amendment 4, which, if passed, will legalize late-term abortion in the Sunshine State, remove the requirement of parental consent for minors, and remove essential safety guards for women.
So, our campaign decided to address both the cultural and legislative battles surrounding abortion through a door-knocking campaign. Our group, comprised of college students and young adults, is dedicating every weekend until the election to informing our neighbors about this extreme measure to kill preborn Floridians.
A typical day of door-knocking has two goals. First, we inform neighbors about local Pregnancy Help Centers (PHC) like Heartbeat of Miami, which offer free services such as pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and essential baby supplies. Second, we educate neighbors about Amendment 4 and its extreme pro-abortion implications, with most agreeing it is too extreme.

The best part about door-knocking is hearing amazing stories from our neighbors. We met one pro-life neighbor who shared the importance of a strong family. He has seven children, 12 grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren! He showed us a beautiful portrait of his family, with generations old and young.
One woman shared that she was active in her church’s pro-life ministry. Like us, they support mothers facing unexpected pregnancies and have been spreading the message about Amendment 4. It was awesome to connect with another pro-life leader.
Our campaign has knocked on over 300 doors since August. We will continue door-knocking weekly and participating in sidewalk advocacy until election day. We hope to defeat the pro-abortion amendment and the community with much-needed resources, transforming Miami from one of the most pro-abortion cities in Florida to one with a culture of life.
If you are interested in joining an existing campaign or starting one in your city, please visit abortionfreecities.org.
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