Pollster, Commentator & Political Strategist Kellyanne Conway’s firm conducted the poll for Pro-Life Generation’s Students for Life of America (SFLA) & Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement (IPA) with the Clapham Group, examining the views of registered voters.
Findings Identify Common Ground for Helping Families; Concern with Reckless Distribution of Chemical Abortion Pills; And Finds that 30% of Registered Voters are MORE LIKELY to Support Limits an Abortion when There is Help for Families in Crisis
“Forget IVF; Candidates who want to develop common cause with registered voters should champion policies geared to benefit young families — along with health and safety standards for Chemical Abortion Pills,” said Pro-Life Generation CEO Kristan Hawkins. “An agenda that creates opportunity for pregnant and parenting also opens the door for voter support of limits on abortion – the human rights issue of our day.”
WASHINGTON D.C. (09-10-2024) – Pro-Life Generation (PLG) CEO Kristan Hawkins noted that a new poll out today is a roadmap for politicians looking to connect with registered voters on family issues. Kellyanne Conway’s firm, KAConsulting LLC, conducted the poll on behalf of Pro-Life Generation’s Students for Life of America (SFLA) & Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement (IPA) with the Clapham Group. Long-term advocates for supporting the needs of young families, the groups added to a voter survey questions on a number of specific policies that deserve a shout-out as the Presidential debate between former President Trump and current Vice President Kamala Harris takes place. “Abortion radicals ignore the Pro-Life Movement’s network of support for young families and all the laws in Congress today that could help families at a crossroads, but it is harder to ignore what voters want – love and support for pregnant and parenting families,” said Hawkins.
The Executive Report publicly released today observed: “The marriage of support for limits on abortion when combined with more support for young families represents strong common ground for the Pro-Life Movement with the broader culture, as well as a place for political leaders to connect with newly motivated voters. In this poll of voters across the board, 30% said they were MORE LIKELY to support limits on abortion when a safety net is in place. This dovetails with an IPA/SFLA poll earlier this year of registered youth voters, in which 31% said strong social protections would increase their support of abortion limits.”
- Three out of Four Support Paid Family & Medical Leave
- More than Seven in 10 want an Expanded Child Tax Credit
- Six out of 10 Registered Voters Want to Cut Out-of-Pocket Costs for Pregnancy and Childbirth for those with Private Insurance
- Almost Two out of Three More Likely to Vote for Candidates Who Support Family & Medical Leave
- A Strong Plurality Support Cash Incentives to Encourage Those Growing Their Families
- Almost a THIRD of Voters are MORE LIKELY to Support Limits on Abortion When Support for Families Increased
- More than Nine in 10 Identified a Supportive Program they Wanted to See Championed
- Registered Voters of all ages, by a margin of seven in 10, supported some or all of the health and safety standards outlined above, though sadly, three in 10 wanted no safeguards in place, preferring women’s lives and fertility to be at risk
VIEW CROSSTABS & the KAConsulting Report, CLICK HERE.
IPA and SFLA conduct message testing regularly, In recent years, with YouGov, Pro-Life Generation’s Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancementfound that this leads to minds changed when it comes to the issue of abortion, something that most Americans do not celebrate despite the media hype.
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The Pro-Life Generation (PLG) is an umbrella organization encompassing the most-cutting edge engagement opportunities for a Vote Pro-Life First Community. PLG includes Students for Life Action (SFLAction), a 501c4, along with its 501c3 sister organization, Students for Life of America (SFLA), that together make up the nation’s largest, pro-life youth organization, managing a grassroots political and policy operation engaging Americans of all ages but with a special emphasis on the largest segment of voters — the Youth Vote. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, PLG/SFLA/SFLAction serves more than 1,400 groups on middle, high school, college, medical, and law school campuses in all 50 states. Our team has more conversations with this generation targeted by the abortion lobby than any other pro-life operation in the world, each week reaching more than 4 million across social media platforms and averaging 1.3 million video views. In addition to SFLA/SFLAction, PLG leads multiple initiatives to lead and serve the future of the pro-life movement including the Campaign for Abortion Free Cities, Standing With You, and the Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement . Over more than 17 years, PLG CEO Kristan Hawkins has grown the operation into a nearly $20M organization, now preparing for an abortion-free America.
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