The Paris 2024 Olympics was full of pro-life moments and stories covered by Students for Life of America (SFLA), but the Paris Paralympics is an inherently pro-life event.

READ: The Most Pro-Life Moments at the Paris 2024 Olympics
Every participant, whether they know it or not, are the very people that abortion supporters point to as “expendable” and “optional” candidates for abortion because they aren’t born with optimal health or with missing limbs or suffering injuries due to an accident or wartime situations.
If we take a quick trip back in history, the Paralympics started in 1948 after World War II ended to acknowledge, honor, and celebrate war heroes who returned with injuries. According to the International Paralympic Committee, “Dr. Guttmann organised the first competition for wheelchair athletes which he named the Stoke Mandeville Games, a milestone in Paralympic history. They involved 16 injured servicemen and women who took part in archery.”

Additionally, whether intentionally or not, it gave a defiant message to Hitler and his followers’ evil and twisted ideology on the genocide of the “unfit” for society. While six million Jews died horrifically in concentration camps and gas chambers, other groups included were Jehovah’s Witnesses, Roma (Gypsies), Black people, homosexual individuals, and people with disabilities, which included, but not limited to, those with Down’s syndrome or cerebral palsy.
Nazis believed that anyone they deemed physically or mentally “unfit” were a “burden to society” and should therefore be eliminated through “euthanasia programs.” According to the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, an estimated 250,000 disabled people died at the hands of Hitler.
It’s as disgusting and as stomach-churning as it sounds.
Yet, many in the abortion industry and abortion-crazy politicians use that very logic to justify the deletion of each one of these precious, preborn lives.
Most recently, we saw this with Kate Cox, a Texas woman who the Biden administration touted to be an example of needing “pregnancy termination” because of the highly populated lie that Trisomy 18 is a death sentence and these babies would be better off dead. Truly tragic.
READ: What You Need to Know Before Biden’s Pro-Abortion PR Stunt at the State of the Union with Kate Cox
Or, think back to 2017 when Iceland proudly proclaimed that they had “near-eradicated” Down syndrome as if they cured some sort of disease.
More accurately put, Iceland killed almost 100% of children with Down syndrome.
Or think back even further when Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood in 1916 and specifically put her abortion death facilities near areas where minorities, specifically Black Americans, lived.
LEARN MORE: Evidence of Planned Parenthood Targeting Minorities
Killing precious lives due to disabilities, color of skin, or life circumstances is never justifiable. The Paralympics was more than an inspiring event; it was a defiant new tradition that stood against the poisonous ideology of Hitler.
Indian para-archer Sheetal Devi won a bronze medal at the 2024 Paralympics. Describing herself as “rising above the odds,” she hit a perfect bullseye with her feet.

Quadruple amputee Ellie Challis won gold in the Women’s 50m backstroke, who, according to the Telegraph, was inspired to swim by a dolphin with a prosthetic tail.
Italian swimmer Simone Barlaam was born with an underdeveloped leg due to coxa vara and congenital hypoplasia in his right femur, but that didn’t stop him from winning three gold medals and one silver medal at the 2024 Paralympics, showing that no obstacles were going to stop him.

And for the pro-life double whammy, there’s British Archer Jodie Grinham, who only has one hand. She was the first paralympic athlete to win a medal while seven months pregnant. She told the Paralympic Games website:
“I didn’t want people to see it as, ‘Oh, there’s a pregnant lady going to a Games.’ I want them to say, ‘Wow, a pregnant lady can compete at the highest level and medal,’ showing you anything is possible. Just go and do it. You want to do it? Then do it.”

The Paralympics shouldn’t be just about riding the inspiring wave of stories and forgetting it the next day. These games were developed to show the world that those deemed “unfit” by one of the largest genocidal leaders in history did indeed have exceptional worth, as well as the soldiers who fought against Hitler and were injured in war.
The “every life matters” philosophy embedded in the Paralympic games should be something that every person plants in their own hearts, even though the Paralympics 2024 ended.
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