If you’re a practicing Catholic wondering whether you can in good conscience support the Democrat presidential nominee (almost) and Vice President Kamala Harris, the answer is an astounding no. And yes, Students for Life of America (SFLA) has the proof.

Harris doesn’t hide her disgust for devout Catholic and Protestant Americans, particularly those who revere their faith as their compass and politics as the sea. Forget people like her former running mate, President Joe Biden. He sees power and politics as his guiding force, abandoning his “Catholic faith” while advocating for policies directly antithetical to 2,000 years of Sacred Tradition.
Harris is no Catholic, and she certainly isn‘t any Christian’s friend. In Harris’ eyes, any Christian who dares to live their faith in the town square actively is to be excommunicado entirely. As Jesus Christ said in the Holy Scriptures, “You will know them by their fruits” (Mt. 7:16).
Let’s look at some rotten fruit on Kamala’s coconut tree.
Harris’ Hatred of the Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus, ubiquitous in Catholic life, is one of the nation’s largest fraternal and charitable organizations.
According to their most recent annual report, there are over two million Knights worldwide who, together with the organization, donated $185 million to charity in 2023. Besides being the first volunteers for Church-related service projects, they actively and publicly protect and advocate for preborn life.

This is where Harris takes issue.
In 2018, then-Sen. Harris infamously grilled longtime Knight Brian Buescher about his organization membership. In a long series of badgering written questions, she asked, “Were you aware that the Knights of Columbus opposed a woman’s right to choose when you joined the organization? Have you ever, in any way, assisted with or contributed to advocacy against women’s reproductive rights?”
By “right to choose” and “reproductive rights,” Harris doesn’t care about preborn rights for children who daily face brutal death in the thousands by chemical and surgical abortions.
Instead, she aimed to be a devout and faithful Catholic, publicly advocating for the basic teachings of the Catholic Church.
Harris asked Paul Matey, another judicial nominee, a nearly identical line of questioning. Like Buescher, Matey had also been a longtime member of the Knights. This time, Harris zeroed in, asking, “The Knights of Columbus is also dedicated to what it calls ‘building a culture of life.’ Do you believe that the fetus is entitled to any protection under the U.S. Constitution?”

The Knights of Columbus are not pro-life merely because they chose to be. They are pro-life because, as a Catholic organization, they must be pro-life. Of the thousands of paragraphs of Catholic doctrine condemning abortion, the Catechism of the Catholic Church puts it most succinctly:
“Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law” (CCC #2271)
Is Harris suggesting that to be an active participant in political life, a Catholic must disobey the Pope? Disobey Church teaching?
Religious Freedom and Conscience Objections
Harris’s answer would be “yes,” and Biden has no problem with that.
But wait – there’s more. Harris has actively campaigned and legislated to compel Catholics into abandoning their faith. Look no further than her dismal record on religious freedom.
In 2019, Harris introduced the Do No Harm Act, which would have virtually eliminated the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. If Harris had her way, Catholic medical professionals who receive federal funding would be coerced into committing abortions. Again, Harris believes that Catholics who participate in public life and government must leave their faith behind.

Harris also co-sponsored the Equality Act during her time in the U.S. Senate. This legislation would similarly gut religious freedom nationwide, leading to many of the same outcomes as the Do No Harm Act. It would even require religious facilities to host groups and events that run contrary to Church teaching.
Can you imagine a Catholic parish hall holding a drag queen story hour? Harris would relish the opportunity.
Over 10 years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court held in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby that, based on the religious beliefs of a private company’s owner, for-profit corporations were not required to cover the costs of contraceptives. This was a significant win for religious freedom at the highest court and further protected religious non-profits. Harris was unsurprisingly dismayed. She wrote that she was “deeply disappointed” with the Court and complained that contraceptive offerings “should not depend on [an] employer’s beliefs.”
Abortion Radicalism
Finally, Harris has made it very clear that the core of her campaign is all abortion, all the time.
She is, perhaps, the most vocal pro-abortion presidential candidate ever in the history of our nation.
Her legislative acts and official statements Harris have one thing in common: her opinions lie directly opposite the pro-life movement in every instance.
Harris voted against the 2020 Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would ensure that healthcare professionals “exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion.”

So, should a baby survive the abortionist’s knife and be born alive, Harris would rather that baby be left to die a painful death alone than be nursed back to health. As Vice President, she spoke out against the act, calling it an “extreme bill… that will further jeopardize the right to reproductive health care.”
The actual extreme position is refusing to save the life of a born, living human baby.
All of this should come as no surprise, seeing that Kamala Harris, as Attorney General of California, made it clear that she loves abortion. She loves abortion so much that she tried to compel pro-life Pregnancy Help Organizations (PHO) to refer mothers to abortion facilities.
Yes, you read that right: PHOs, which provide life-affirming alternatives and support to mothers who choose life, would, by Harris’ wishes, refer those same mothers to kill their babies.
Thankfully, the PHOs sued and won. But Harris did have the last cackle with her abortion-loving agenda in California. Remember pro-life activist David Daleiden’s exposé on Planned Parenthood’s business of selling aborted babies’ body parts? It was Harris who authorized the raid on his home and refused to investigate Planned Parenthood’s activities.
In Kamala land, faithful Catholics must pass a religious test to hold public office.
In Kamala land, Catholic hospitals and medical professionals would be required to commit abortions.
In Kamala-land, she only cares about one choice: the one to kill a child. Because, in Kamala land, you either abandon your faith entirely or face the consequences.
It’s fair to say we know Harris by her fruits – “the bad tree bears evil fruit.”

Harris’ record and views on Catholicism and its teachings are clear. In her eyes, if your deeply held, biblical, and sincere faith runs afoul of the Left’s radical abortion agenda, she wants you ostracized, deplatformed, and perhaps even jailed.
Harris’ crusade against Catholicism is the reddest of red flags, and the danger she poses for faithful Catholics nationwide is a real issue.
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