Undeterred by the sweltering heat of a June day in Washington D.C., about 3,000 people joined together for National Celebrate Life Weekend at the Lincoln Memorial. Pro-Life leaders stood together to both commemorate the end of the tragedy of Roe v. Wade that gave legal cover to the deaths of more than 65 MILLION Americans in the womb by intentional abortion and to call on elected leaders at every level of government to protect life in law and service.

Pro-abortion protestors attempted to interrupt the celebration, a common tactic. Still, hundreds of the Pro-Life Generation held signs and banners blocking them as the event began, creating a backdrop of love and commitment to women and their children – born and preborn. With the symbolism of the Lincoln Memorial as a backdrop, the Pro-Life Generation was loud and proud to fight against what is today’s human rights atrocity – intentional abortion, perpetrated by a billion-dollar industry with the help of politicians using the profits of death by abortion to stay in office. However, as U.S. Rep. Bob Good told the crowd, all political leaders must now engage, as “the Supreme Court did not turn it over to the states, they turned it over to the people’s representatives.”

The night before, Daily Wire commentator Matt Walsh said at the National Celebrate Life Gala that ending innocent lives is never right, no matter the politics or the reasoning. In what should be a tutorial for all political leaders, he laid a framework for discussing the LIFE issue.
Anchoring the Lincoln Memorial event was Students for Life of America (SFLA) President Kristan Hawkins, who delivered these inspiring remarks:

“Two years ago, we gathered here in Washington, D.C. to witness the first high tide of the day coming to shore with the reversal of the horrific Roe v. Wade.
“One year ago, we gathered right here to celebrate the tens of thousands of lives saved because Roe was thrown onto the ash heap of history and to dedicate ourselves to doing more than we ever thought possible in this warfare for human rights, the fundamental fight of our generation – no matter how high the opposition waves in this stormy sea may become.
“And today, we’re gathering to not only encourage one another, all of us impatiently waiting for the second high tide of the day so we may leave the harbor and finally land our ship right onto the shoreline, but more importantly we’ve come here to demand that our leaders, especially those in the Republican Party, lead on Life and not get sucked into the maelstroms (mail-strum) or whirlpools of abortion moderation or toleration that will end in destruction.
“While we fight back against this low tide with its:
- Relentless waves of media and social media misinformation;
- Entire Presidential political campaign based on the promise that taxpayer-funded abortions in all nine months will soon be a reality;
- Government-sanctioned prosecution of those us willing to pray and willingness to violate state and federal laws to allow the illegal trafficking of chemical abortion pills into every state;
- Manipulative late-term abortion referendums in states seeking to establish mini-Roes;
- Betrayal of many Republican leaders here in Washington who have accepted our donations and electoral help for decades but who have seemed to have forgotten how to swim.
“While we fight back against this low tide, we must be careful to avoid a slow but deadly drift of our movement, away from our mission of ensuring that equal rights of persons, born and preborn.

“For we must, throw down our anchor on the safety of solid ground, the bedrock of the 14th Amendment, which declares that all persons, including the preborn, have equal protection in America.
“And while reaching the shore, an America where every child is welcomed in life and protected by law, is still slightly out of reach in this low tide.
“We can see our destination before us. And it’s glorious, a new land whose people and laws reject the violence and discriminatory killing of babies simply because of their age, size, location, or circumstances of their conception, where convenience no longer determines if you have legal status, where those who profit from and those in power who advocate for the killing of children are no more.

“With our eyes fixed on this new land, now, we must choose to have the courage to prevail, to refuse to abandon this ship in the harbor and this mission.
“For the same admirals, captains, and sailors whose armada brought down Roe, all of us are at work right now preparing for the coming waves of legislative wins, litigation, and cultural change.
“For we, while we wait for the second high tide of day to come, we must do all we can to rescue those drowning around us – mothers and fathers being lied to by the predatory abortion industry’s empty promises.
“We must shine our spotlight into the darkest depths to expose the violence and manipulation of abortion injustice.

“We must load our dinghy boats stuffed full of those most targeted by the abortion industry, this generation of abortion survivors, and take one campus at a time, bringing truth and minds changed.
“For the tide has already turned once with the fall of Roe, so therefore we know it the predictable tide will turn again…within our lifetime.
“And when it does, we will land upon the shore free from the pain, despair, and evil of abortion.

“Until then, may we have the fortitude of Mr. Lincoln to remain resolved in our mission and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”
READ NEXT: Reclaiming The Constitution FOR LIFE: The 14th Amendment For All
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