Baking for Babies: How My SFLA Group Raised $1,000+ to Attend the 2024 National Pro-Life Summit & March  

Caroline Wharton - 10 Jan 2024
Guest Post by SFLA Thaddeus Stevens Fellow & Vice President of Grand Forks Students for Life Rose Kraemer 

GUEST POST: Have you ever wanted to attend the National Pro-Life Summit and March in Washington D.C., but you weren’t sure how to get the funds to do so? I was recently in the same boat, but as a Students for Life of America (SFLA) Thaddeus Stevens Fellow, I’ve got a great solution for you and your group:

While I’ve been involved with SFLA since 2022 when I started my own group in North Dakota and have since grown much in my pro-life advocacy, I surprisingly have never been to the National Pro-Life March or the National Pro-Life Summit. This year, however, that will change. I have the opportunity to go to both, and I am looking forward to being able to stand up for the preborn while attending.

In order to send me and two of my other group members, Maggie and Mattia, to Washington D.C. for these amazing events which help to inspire and spur on further pro-life action, our SFLA group organized a bake sale at a local church to fundraise for our travel.

Prior to the bake sale, the pastor of this church announced our mission and invited parishioners to come to our table and help support us. Standing grouped in the back of the church behind a large table covered with desserts, we sold various assortments of bars, cookies, rolls, and buns after the morning services.

Despite our packed table of mouth-watering delights, all our desserts sold out very quickly. Numerous people gave generous tips while buying our treats, and some even contributed donations after the desserts were sold out. Thanks to these exceptionally generous parishioners and our skilled bakers, we raised more than $1,000 — exactly what we needed to make the trip.

We are extremely grateful to our family, friends, and the parishioners of this church for supporting us with both money and prayers. We can’t wait to travel to Washington D.C. in order to represent our pro-life group with hundreds of thousands of other pro-lifers, reminding the world that every life matters!

If you want to come too, take our idea and run with it — have a Bake Sale for Babies so that you and your pro-life group can also attend the March and Summit.  

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