Want to Help Bankrupt the Abortion Industry? Reach Out to Pregnancy Resource Centers & Connect Them to EveryLife 

Caroline Wharton - 08 Jan 2024
Guest Post by SFLA Invictus Fellow Alex Pinkney 

GUEST POST: Do you want a unique way to both help parents and take the wind out of the abortion lobby’s sails? You can connect pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) with the pro-life diaper company EveryLife and do both. Here’s what how I did this during the 2023 Fall Semester and what it accomplished: 

In September 2023, I contacted a board member of a local PRC called Birthright St. Paul to see if the center was interested in hosting a diaper drive by partnering with EveryLife. In honor of Respect Life Month, the diaper drive lasted for the entirety of October. Despite initial skepticism, the event helped Birthright of St. Paul and EveryLife establish a good relationship, and Birthright was selected as a “Buy For A Cause” recipient. “Buy For A Cause” is EveryLife’s initiative to help support pro-life organizations, by directly aiding women and families in need with their diaper and wipe bundles. 

Partnering with EveryLife is important because many popular diaper companies like Huggies, Pampers, and Luv have a dark history of contributing to their employees’ getting abortions across the country. Huggies, for example, has matched employee contributions as donations to Planned Parenthood. Luvs and Pampers have also paid for their employees to travel anywhere in the country to get abortions. 

With this hidden agenda, it seems rather ridiculous that these diaper companies desire to be your top choice for taking care of your children while they actively pay and support abort others’ children. See this article for more information on this topic.  

It’s not enough to expose this ugly agenda; it’s time to invest our time and money into companies and organizations that have mothers and children as their top priority. Families need to be loved and supported in every facet of society, and PRCs are an important part of this. If every PRC partnered with companies like EveryLife, it would significantly curb the financial incentive for the abortion industry. 

Pinkney and SFLA President Kristan Hawkins

One way to stop this trend is by contacting your local PRCs and setting up events like diaper drives that would involve partnering with and hosting pro-life companies like EveryLife. Getting the word out to your communities can help bring awareness of companies and organizations who have mothers and children’s best interest in mind. Visit to find your local PRC and get involved today— let’s help families and hurt the abortion industry’s bottom line in one fatal swoop.  

If you want to purchase EveryLife diapers, take advantage of our partnership with the company and use SFLA’s codes for 10% off at checkout: KRISTAN10 and SFLA10!

READ NEXT: Is There Still a Pro-Life Group on Campus? You Bet: How We Reignited Life-Affirming Advocacy at Our School 

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