How Can Pro-Lifers Compassionately Address Tragic Miscarriages? Understanding Perinatal Hospice is Step One 

Caroline Wharton - 05 Jan 2024

As a recent news story in Ohio breaks, considering whether a woman abused the corpse of her miscarried child, a lot of misinformation is swirling around with it. The abortion lobby is attempting to frame this case as though the Buckeye State is prosecuting women for miscarriages — but that’s incorrect and not the takeaway. Instead, this story has much more to do with proper treatment of human remains as our society understands that deceased people deserve a level of respect after their passing, and, even more importantly, the importance of educating parents on perinatal hospice.  

Based upon reports, all indications show perinatal hospice was exactly what this Ohioan woman and her preborn child needed — yet there’s a fair chance that she has yet to be exposed to this term. Indeed, documentation is unclear that she was offered this safe, loving treatment, and this is a serious flaw in our medical system. We need to be doing a far better job of educating mothers and fathers on who is there to humanely help and support them and their preborn children in these tragic cases.  

The million-dollar question: what is perinatal hospice?  

As Students for Life of America (SFLA) Lead Operations Supervisor and Medical/Law Coordinator Gavin Oxley wrote, “[P]erinatal palliative care programs allow parents to meet their child and to fully grieve their loss. This care is fully encompassing, providing a compassionate explanation of the diagnosis, walking the parents through the emotionally strenuous pregnancy process, and counseling the parents through the grieving processes beyond the loss of the child.”  

You can learn more about perinatal hospice by reading an earlier SFLA blog entitled “Perinatal Hospice Is the Compassionate Choice for Parents & Child” or by watching SFLA President Kristan Hawkins discuss this topic below on her podcast Explicitly Pro-Life. In this episode, she covers the most commonly asked questions about prenatal diagnosis and perinatal hospice — and with the video just over five minutes, it’s entirely worth your time.  

To help families and children in miscarriage or fatal prenatal diagnosis situations, the Pro-Life Generation must spread the word about perinatal hospice – and that starts with understanding it themselves. Get started today by watching Hawkins’ short video above.

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