GUEST POST: The Campaign for Abortion Free Cities in Austin, Texas recently visited Bastrop, a small town not too far away after we came across shocking Twitter posts claiming that there was an “abortion store” there. The post claimed, “You can still get abortion pills – even in Texas.” We decided to check it out for ourselves.
When we arrived, there was no person there to even recommend following a doctor’s advice (or legal advice for that matter). Instead, it looked like a store billboard used to encourage mail order Chemical Abortion Pills. On the window, it was referred to as an art exhibit, with the “art” being encouragement of abortion.

In an effort to cover themselves legally, a note on the door stated that they “do not sell or benefit from abortion pills.” However, the website is a direct link leading to a site which hosts telemedicine visits to prescribe abortion across all states, even those where abortion is not legal.
With the storefront advertising illegal and dangerous abortions, we decided to share with the community legal, safe, and loving alternatives. We held Standing With You signs, showing Bastrop that no woman stands alone in our Post-Roe America. In addition, we visited the nearby stores, offering Standing With You business cards and local pregnancy resource center cards. We asked if they would be willing to keep the cards out in case a customer needing pregnancy or parenting assistance came by, and they gladly accepted the cards.
I believe they were willing to do so because ultimately people want to help women in unexpected pregnancies in whatever way they can. It was encouraging seeing the smiles and hearing “thank you for doing this.” It affirmed to me that Bastrop knows that there are better options out there for women. Another woman loved the cards we shared with her, and she let us know that she is a doula, working to help women during and after pregnancy.

Another store owner asked us, “These cards don’t have anything to do with abortion, do they?” before accepting them. I believe she asked that because she knows that abortion is wrong and does not solve the problems that women who are pregnant or parenting face. Chemical Abortion in particular increases the risk of anxiety, substance abuse, depression, hemorrhaging, and incomplete abortion. That is information that the store “forgot” to share in their “art exhibit.”
With laws such as the Texas Heartbeat Abortion Prevention Act and the more encompassing law that went into effect last summer to protect many preborn Texans from abortion violence, we are striving to make abortion unthinkable in the state, as well. The blatant advertisement of obtaining abortion illegally puts women at risk of being harmed by dangerous Chemical Abortion Pills- especially given that there is no in-person doctor’s appointment to confirm the pregnancy isn’t ectopic.

If people are going to advertise dangerous choices for pregnant women in Texas, the Pro-Life Generation is going to work to advertise that there is also support and love for women choosing life and educate them with resources such as Chemical Abortion Pill Reversal, an antidote to the life-ending drug. Thankfully, we had the opportunity to do so in the Bastrop community, and we hope that even if women visit the website shown at the abortion store, that they will look into life affirming alternatives mentioned through the cards we left in the surrounding area.
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