GUEST POST: In late May, the Indianapolis Campaign for Abortion Free Cities – through Students for Life of America (SFLA) – concluded a month and a half long, city-wide fundraiser for two local pregnancy resource centers, and the results were astonishing.
This luncheon fundraiser called “The Standing With Her Lunch” had a simple purpose: to thank our own mothers for giving us the gift of life and to help encourage more mothers to give the gift of life to their own children. That goal was more than accomplished. Through the support of our community volunteers and church partners, we were able to fill up an entire pickup truck bed and cab with donations. We also filled up an entire Honda Accord with donations, as well!

After the event, both pregnancy resource centers reached out and expressed that they were incredibly thankful for the items, sharing that the amount our volunteers donated could likely last them for a long time. They were especially thankful for the cribs, strollers, and car seats.
The Standing With Her Lunch was a success in Indianapolis, not only because of the donations and support we received, but also because of the organizations that spoke at the event. There were speakers from six pro-life organizations present. SFLA’s Campaign for Abortion Free Cities (AFC) Indianapolis Organizer Ben Ice spoke about the impact that AFC has had in Indianapolis over the last two years, commenting on many changed minds at the doors, women leaving abortion facilities after being sidewalk counseled, and pro-life community members activated. He provided an opportunity for everyone present to get more involved with AFC locally.

In addition to Ice, there were speakers from both pregnancy resource centers, each of which plays a vital role in Indianapolis. The Women’s Care Center serves every one in six Indianapolis women who are expecting children (and cares for them after birth too). 1st Choices Pregnancy Center, once built, will be the only pregnancy resource center on the southwest side of Indianapolis. Currently, they are seeing 12 women a week while only being open for 3 hours a day in a church.
There was also a speaker from a local post-abortion healing ministry, and Right to Life Indianapolis presented $1,750 in college scholarship awards while a woman named Vicki from Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace closed off the afternoon by speaking about the joys of motherhood. It truly was a joyful event to attend, and the ‘fruits’ of this lunch were even better, as pregnant and parenting women will be taken care of using these gathered supplies.
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