GUEST POST: On Good Friday, Christians around the world remember the death of our Savior. More than 2,000 years ago, He was crucified for our sins. The Bible says, “So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit” (John 19:30). While we know what is going to happen in three days, the people then did not. It was a day of grievance for the early church — and as a pro-life Christian, reflecting on Good Friday also makes me consider that we similarly do not know when the end of abortion will come.
Making abortion unavailable and unthinkable is not going to happen overnight. It is going to take time to strip the pro-abortion mindset out of our country as it became prevalent during the near 50 years of the now defunct Roe v. Wade. However, that victory will come — just as we now know that Jesus rose from the dead after three days — and we can take steps to advance the end of abortion.

First, we must make sure to vote pro-life first! In order to have good pro-life legislation, we must have pro-life legislators in office. Additionally, pro-life legislators can keep pro-abortion legislation out of our nation, on the local, state, and federal level.
Second, we can donate our time, talents, and resources to the pro-life movement in a variety of ways. Some ideas can be engaging with Students for Life of America’s initiative the Campaign for Abortion Free Cities, volunteering with local life-affirming centers, giving money to pro-life organizations, etc. Being pro-life means being pro-women and pro-family. Our giving (which includes more than just money) helps to further promote a culture of life.

Finally, we can pray to end abortion. The mission of 40 Days for Life is “an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses.” Since 2007, they have saved 22,885 lives, closed 136 abortion facilities, and helped 247 abortion workers leave the industry. We know that prayer has power, and it is through these prayers we can also continue to spare precious, preborn lives.
This Good Friday, the Pro-Life Generation shouldn’t forget to take time to mourn the 63 million lives lost to abortion but also to be hopeful that one day we will live in a world where abortion is unavailable and unthinkable. As the Bible says, let us have “faith, hope, and love” as we run towards an abortion-free America.
READ NEXT: In States Where We Protect Life, We Can’t Go Back — Every Child Deserves Our Defense
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