College basketball fans are eagerly awaiting the Final Four game that is coming soon — and to get in on the fun, Students for Life of America (SFLA) has chosen our Final Four, as well. We’ve picked four of our top college groups in the country who exemplify what it means to be active in the pro-life movement as they courageously raise their voices for the preborn and reach outstretched hands to families in need. We’re so proud of each one of them; check out their awesome accomplishments below:
University of Connecticut
The SFLA group at the University of Connecticut are busy, busy bees in the fight for life. Their on-campus volunteer work includes hosting a pregnancy resource van on campus every two weeks to provide free ultrasounds and pregnancy tests to students; having a flower sale to raise money for the local pregnancy resource center (PRC); holding a bake sale to buy material goods for an expecting couple; and working with the school to get the PRC recognized on their website, as well as add a separate webpage for pregnant and parenting students on the Student Health and Wellness Website. They’ve also done chalking to remind students to vote pro-life first.

The group additionally prioritizes pro-life education on campus. For this reason, they have hosted a pro-life apologetics workshop; another speaker that spoke on their rescue from sex trafficking through a PRC; as well as the SFLA Fall and Spring display tour.
Off campus, they volunteer with their local PRC) attend the National March for Life, as well as their local state march; go to local and national pro-life conferences; and have also recently testified at the State Capitol on life related issues.
Miami University
Students for Life at Miami University helps pregnant and parenting students on campus by offering them free resources from the local pregnancy resource centers, including Heartbeat of Miami. They respectfully and effectively educate students on campus about the pro-life message through tabling events (putting a table out on campus with members of the group ready to have productive, peaceful conversations) as well as ‘mixer’ social events. These fun, social events are open to students of all beliefs to engage in respectful dialogue and learn more about each other’s perspectives.

Florida Atlantic University
Florida Atlantic University’s Students for Life group has been a great resource for pregnant and parenting students on campus. The group has gone door knocking in the local community to educate the neighborhood on the non-violent, life-affirming resources available locally and nationally for families in need. They have also hosted baby item drives for First Women’s Clinic (a PRC) and have held table events on campus to educate the student body on the reality of abortion. (Not to mention, their basketball team is actually in the final four!)

San Diego State University
Pro-life students at San Diego State have volunteered their time at their local PRC, hosted SFLA’s Fall and Spring tour, and participated in a crazy controversial event where they countered the authors of the book, “Shout Your Abortion.” Instead of accepting the normalization and even glorification of abortion that this book presents, the SFLA group shouted for adoption and other courageous pro-life stories in witness for the preborn.

The group has also participated in Students for Life Action’s door knocking campaign activism trip in Arizona to encourage their neighbors to vote pro-life first. Additionally, they are working hard to counter their school’s decision to have Chemical Abortion Pills distributed in their public university. In an abortion-loving state such as California, they continue to be needed voices for life, regardless of pro-abortion hate.
READ NEXT: Adopted Pro-Lifer Debates Abortion Supporter on the Dangers of Chemical Abortion Pills
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