A compliment from a friend is nice, but one from an adversary is usually more sincere — and that’s why we’re considering a recent, scathing comment from the father of the Chemical Abortion Pill himself as a golden badge of honor; thank you very much! Directed at a new Students for Life Action (SFLAction) legislative victory, his remark has only served to make us smile because we know we’re doing the right thing if he of all people is mad about it. Here’s why the inventor of the life-ending drug has his knickers in a knot:

After working for two years in Wyoming to see preborn children and women protected, SFLAction finally saw their Chemical Abortion Pill legislation — called “Prohibiting Chemical Abortions” — passed and signed into law earlier this month. The legislation makes it illegal for physicians to prescribe deadly Chemical Abortion Pills, with violators facing heavy fines ($9,000) or even up to six months in jail.
The victory was hard won with SFLAction engaging in far more than 1,400 points of voter outreach and working directly with pro-life Wyoming legislators every step of the way. Noting their efforts, SFLAction and Students for Life of America (SFLA) President Kristan Hawkins said, “We could not be happier to see our legislation become the law in Wyoming and set an example for the rest of the nation…We’re grateful for the efforts of our pro-life champions in Wyoming and look to pass similar bills in more states.”

Clearly, this is a strong piece of pro-life legislation, but no one flattered it more than Etienne-Emile Baulieu, the creator of the very drugs which were restricted. Baulieu told AFP in an interview that the SFLAction law was “scandalous.”
According to the report, Baulieu “did not mince his words,” firmly opposing the new law. He called it a “set back…a step in the opposite direction,” but for whom was he speaking?
Certainly not for Wyoming preborn children and women — indeed, it’s a step up in humanizing our children in the womb while also protecting women. Chemical Abortion Pills kill our most vulnerable and voiceless while also presenting women with dangers that include injury, infertility, coercion, domestic abuse, and maternal death. Expelling the life-ending pills from the state is a powerful, positive good.

It tracks, however, that Baulieu — and his wife who said “fanaticism and ignorance” is behind this new law — aren’t its biggest fans. Chemical Abortion Pills have been his life’s work, after all, and while he claims that women were one of the causes “that have dominated his life,” SFLA reported earlier, “In classical misogynistic fashion, Baulieu claims, “I like women,” but ignores the physical and emotional pain of the women he inflicts his solution on.”
Bit by bit, the pro-life movement is effectively bringing the truth to light and restricting Baulieu’s life-ending pills with laws like Wyoming’s (which is also one of the first pro-life laws in 2023). His lethal legacy has begun and will continue to crumble in the United States, and we won’t be finished it’s entirely rooted out of our country.
READ NEXT: Heartwarming Bill Signed Into Law in Arkansas for Creation of a ‘Monument to the Unborn’
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