WARNING: Explicit content below.
Planned Parenthood’s business model is built around unexpected pregnancies that arise in difficult circumstances, and the abortion giant’s financial interests have culminated in a sinister plan to create future customers. Unbeknownst to many parents, the abortion industry is grooming children to become promiscuous through bad advice, and it’s happening in their child’s classrooms and school libraries, as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis pointed out at a recent press conference.
He said, “We believe in the rights of parents to be involved in the education of their children and therefore have enacted curriculum transparency legislation, so that the parents know what books are being used in the classroom, what books do their kids have access to, and then they have procedures where they can say, ‘Wait a minute, that’s pornographic. Why would we have that in a media center with 10-year-old students?’”

For discussing the propriety of pornographic material in children’s school libraries, DeSantis has been smeared as a “book burner” and a proponent of censorship — but these arguments deny the importance of protecting children’s innocence, as well as the impact of what they’re being taught.
And what exactly are our kids being taught through pornographic material? Let’s take a very brief look at some of the sad excuses for children’s books that DeSantis pulled from Florida school libraries for his press conference.
According to the New York Post, the sexual topics and pictures included minors engaging in oral and anal sex, sending “sexy” (i.e. nude) selfies, using butt plugs, watching porn, masturbating in groups, and further inappropriate themes. The book contents were so graphic that Florida news stations streaming the conference had to cut their feeds — with one reporter tweeting she asked for the cut-off because “I don’t show sexually explicit content” — since what was placed in children’s libraries was too much for adults.

Putting this rueful irony aside, the overall message of these books is encouraging children to engage in promiscuous lifestyles that can lead to pregnancy.
And what happens when our children follow this bad advice? They become a part of Planned Parenthood’s income stream as the ghoulish business is right there to sell them contraception, abortifacients, and abortions. This isn’t a coincidence; it’s a cunning marketing plan.
Students for Life of America (SFLA) President Kristan Hawkins addressed this in a Daily Wire op-ed which called out Planned Parenthood executive sexual education director Bill Taverner who made headlines for saying children “are sexual from birth.” She maintained that this position is seen clearly in Planned Parenthood’s pushing of Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE) which normalizes pornography, encourages sexual activity/exploration and sneaking around parents, and desensitizes young children to vulgar topics.

Hawkins asserted, “The abortion business wants children to act out exhibiting behavior far beyond their maturity. If they get themselves into difficulty or confusion, where are they going to turn? Planned Parenthood, of course.”
This is why Planned Parenthood and others have made indoctrinating and sexualizing children in their formative years a top priority, and this is yet another war the pro-life movement must take head on. As seen in Florida, parents’ eyes are being opened to the abortion lobby’s predatory advance on their children, and they’re shocked — and irate.
Florida parent Quisha King told Fox and Friends First that parents shouldn’t feel like they’re dropping their children off at a “sex shop” every day, saying: “That’s exactly what these schools are turning into… They are looking to indoctrinate the next generation of young minds. We cannot stand by and let this happen.”

The Pro-Life Generation certainly isn’t standing by; our team and student activists are actively working to reform how the culture views sex in order to create a more life-affirming society. We’re reminding young adults that sex is more meaningful that just a back scratch — it also has consequences — and we’re encouraging parents to stand up against the abortion lobby exposing young children to inappropriate material.
As the children’s song goes, let’s be careful what these little eyes see and what these little ears hear.
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