“Abortion is not safe; it’s not rare, and it should never have been legal,” said Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America. “The Pro-Life Generation rejects prejudice against preborn children based on sex, age, race, finances, perception of their abilities, or because of a parent’s actions. We must address the suffering, not end the lives of those who might suffer because our politicians are too indifferent to their needs or too unwilling to do the job of helping our fellow citizens.”
WASHINGTON D.C. (10-03-2022) – Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins begins an 8-stop speaking tour this week, though more dates may be added. A dynamic presenter, Hawkins will engage students on the central question of whether ending innocent preborn life should be legal or should be rejected as an inhumane act. “Corporate abortion has hidden their billion-dollar enterprise behind the fig leaf of ‘legal,’ arguing that anything allowed by law is somehow justified. But we know that the law has sometimes allowed evil to exist, and our job must be to protect life in law and in service,” said Hawkins.

VIDEO: Hawkins’ tour stops include back and forth debate with students. Click here to watch some of Hawkins’ best take downs and here for a segment on Fox Ingraham Angle showing video of Hawkins discussing whether a baby born alive during an abortion is a baby.
Information and a sign-up sheet for future events is available here. Media who wish to attend can register at [email protected]
The Tour includes the following Locations and Dates:
- Tuesday, October 4th, 2022: Ohio State University, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. EST at the Oval for a “Change My Mind” tabling event. Click HERE to see Facebook event page.
- Tuesday, October 4th, 2022: University of Cincinnati, 7 p.m. EST at the Tangeman University Center. Click HERE to see Facebook event page. Contact [email protected]
- Thursday, October 13th, 2022: Harvard University, 7 p.m. EDT at Science Center Room C: 1 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA 02138. Click HERE to see Facebook event page.
- Friday, October 14th, 2022: Yale University, 6:30 PM CDT at Saint Thomas More 268 Park Street New Haven, CT 06511. Click HERE to see Facebook event page.
- Tuesday, October 18th, 2022: University of Wisconsin-Stout, 6:00 p.m. CDT at Memorial Student Center, Ballroom C. Click HERE to see Facebook event page.
- Thursday, November 10th, 2022: Penn State University, 6:00 p.m. CST at Hetzel Union Building State College, PA 16801. Click HERE to see Facebook event page.
- Tuesday, November 15th, 2022: University of South Carolina
- Wednesday, November 16th, 2022: Clemson University
For more details on ‘Make Abortion Illegal Again’ Speaking Tour stops, check with the SFLA media team closer to the events and stay tuned for individual tour stop press releases.

In exercising our free speech rights on behalf of the preborn and their mothers, Students for Life of America team members often face opposition and even violence.
Hawkins wrote about that recently in Newsweek, noting:
“Sadly, the public discourse is changing for the worse, as peaceful protests turn more frequently into confrontations. Threats and acts of violence against pro-life activists are becoming increasingly common. Students for Life students and team members have endured everything from physical attacks and arson to bomb threats and intimidation, making security issues a vital concern and expense for pro-life events. When Justice Brett Kavanaugh—who was seen as a possible pro-life vote—was confirmed to the Supreme Court, protestors stormed the Court, banging on the doors. Outside the U.S., violent protests broke out in Poland and Latin America when those countries contemplated pro-life policies. Antifa has protested my own speaking tours and recently the Chicago March for Life.

“Some abortion supporters are pairing their advocacy for the violence of abortion with violent acts, which have a definite chilling effect on public discourse that must be overcome. When people are afraid to use their free speech rights, those rights don’t truly exist.”
Reporters wishing to attend the events, email: [email protected]
Students for Life Action (SFLAction), a 501c4, along with its 501c3 sister organization, Students for Life of America (SFLA), make up the nation’s largest pro-life youth organization and a political and policy operation engaging people of all ages. Together they work to end abortion — the human rights issue of our day — and provide political, legal, and community support for women and their children, born and preborn. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, SFLA has more than 1,300 groups on middle, high school, college, university, medical, and law school campuses in all 50 states. SFLA creates strategy, policy, and programming to connect those most targeted for abortion with people ready to help and builds a framework for political engagement on their behalf. SFLA and SFLAction have more conversations with those most targeted by the abortion industry than any other pro-life outreach in the world, reaching more than 2 million people across social media platforms each week and engaging in approximately 100,000 digital conversations per month. Over more than 16 years, President Kristan Hawkins has grown SFLAction/SFLA into an $18 million organization preparing for a Post-Roe America.
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