Over the course of four years, Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement has conducted extensive research and rated 784 Christian schools across the country to identify any ties between these Christian institutions to the nation’s largest abortion vendor: Planned Parenthood.
Throughout SFLA’s Christian Schools project, 40 Christian colleges and universities — which amounted to about one in four of the schools which had been affiliated with the abortion vendor — broke ties with Planned Parenthood. This number includes six additional victories which were achieved after our December 8, 2021, Christian Schools Project publication date. The University of Tulsa, a Presbyterian institution in Oklahoma, is one of those six schools.
(To read our full research findings, click HERE.)

The University of Tulsa was initially given a grade B for the promotion of Planned Parenthood as a resource for a LGBTQ Health Awareness Week event in 2020. Per the Christian School’s Project grading system, Christian schools with one infraction were considered to be “in a relationship” with Planned Parenthood and received a B grade as a result.
However, while doing post-publication research on the Christian schools that were found to be in a relationship with Planned Parenthood, SFLA Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement researchers found on May 26, 2022, that searches for ‘Planned Parenthood’ no longer bore valid search results on the university website. Therefore, University of Tulsa’s rating has been updated to an A-grade Christian school. Christian schools with an A-grade rating mean that they are not promoting Planned Parenthood or abortion in any way.

As the purpose of the Christian Schools Project was to call all Christian colleges and universities back to the biblical value of affirming life from conception to natural death, SFLA applauds the University of Tulsa’s efforts to kick Planned Parenthood off their campus. We hope to see the other 63 Christian colleges and universities who still hold to their relationship with Planned Parenthood follow suit; it’s never too late to break ties with the abortion vendor.
In addition, we also encourage the University of Tulsa to not stop at their A-grade rating but instead push forward to an A+ rating. Christian schools with an A+ rating means they are not promoting Planned Parenthood or abortion in any way and are also promoting life-affirming resources for their students. We hope to see this university promoting SFLA’s own Standing With You initiative which helps pregnant, parenting, and post-abortive students.
To read more about and take action on the Christian Schools Project click HERE.
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