GUEST POST: The day after the historic reversal of Roe v. Wade through the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling, the Pro-Life Generation did not stop to take a breather or a break — we just kept right on rolling towards an abortion-free America with the Campaign for Abortion Free Cities (CAFC). The CAFC set out with a group of more than 50 students into Bethesda, Maryland to reach the community with life-affirming resources and to raise awareness of the vast and numerous misdemeanors of an abortion facility in Bethesda.
As the community organizer for St. Paul, Minnesota, I was so excited to be reaching the day after the reversal of Roe. After all, is there really any better way to introduce people to a Post-Roe America than by making than aware of their pregnancy resources? I certainly don’t think so!

When we were door-knocking that day, I walked up to one house where a man was working on his truck and greeted him before asking if he was aware of his local pregnancy resource center. He said he was not (and offered that he was pro-abortion) so I told him about the center and the resources they have to offer for women and families in unplanned, crisis pregnancies. I also spoke to him about Standing With You, SFLA’s initiative to serve these families and women.
Furthermore, I shared information about the neighborhood alert on the local abortion facility and relayed just how dangerous that particular facility happens to be. The abortionist at the facility has killed one woman and injured multiple others — yet somehow, he is still allowed to commit abortions on vulnerable women.
My words shocked the man who understandably told me that he hated the idea of “such a vile person performing in my neighborhood.” He kept saying how his wife needed to know about this and how he couldn’t imagine sending women to that facility. He was so grateful for safe alternatives to the abortion facility in his community and for people bringing this travesty to light. He said that unless we went around telling people, no one would have known about the pregnancy resource center and the ills of the abortion facility.

Abortion is the taking of innocent, vulnerable preborn life, and no one can practice vice virtuously — that’s why the Maryland abortionist continues to commit abortions despite his track record of harming and killing some women who come to see him (not to mention their preborn children).
However, communities can stand together and rise up against the vile abortion industry — and that’s exactly what the CAFC is hoping to achieve in Bethesda, Maryland. Just like the man I spoke to said, there are whole communities in America who are unaware of abortion harms and pro-life resources because no one tells them. That’s where we are stepping in. The Pro-Life Generation will be spreading the truth and eradicating abortion in our cities through the Campaign for Abortion Free Cities.
READ NEXT: Life Won in Henrietta, NY Thanks to the Campaign for Abortion Free Cities
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