GUEST POST: Over the course of the past year, I’ve felt as if every other week has had me at the Supreme Court in some capacity. The reasons have ranged from rallies, protests, oral arguments, a decision day, or even the leaked draft opinion that rocked our whole nation. It seems that as the weeks go on, the pro-life movement faces even more opposition from those who would disagree with our belief that all human life has value and worth from conception to natural death.
I remember vividly the day I felt a distinct shift in the air towards this hostility against our movement—it was the April day we protested the nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. I had expected a crowd to be present, but nothing could prepare me for the swarms of people who violently stood against everything we advocate for. It was the first time I had ever been physically affected at an event of this type.

People were swarming on all sides, and at one point even forcing my arms above my head with no room to put them down at my side. I remember a man dancing inappropriately on me, and when I asked him to stop, he screamed “NO!” at the top of his lungs and continued on. I was harassed, wrongfully accused of racism, and deemed to be anti-woman that day.
Ever since that experience, I have felt a sense of hostility towards me based solely on my views of personhood and worth. I now walk through the streets of Washington D.C. in my pro-life t-shirts and can see the disgusted glances from people that I’m sure think of me as a terrible person. It has at times felt isolating, terrifying, and lonely.

However, the truth is that no matter how angry or rude people have become, there’s been another side to the narrative that is inspiring and challenges me to do even more for life. It’s the voices of pro-life people who (some for the very first time) feel empowered to stand up and use their voices for the preborn.
It’s the students and community members that have left the peace and safety of their homes to enter the public square and speak out for what is right, regardless of consequence.
It’s the pregnancy help centers who have been vandalized or violently attacked yet continue to serve the women and families in their community without fear.

It’s the churches who have spoken out against abortion from the pulpit.
It’s the campus groups who have counter protested and made sure the world knows that young people are not all pro-abortion. Every day human beings like you and like me who have become activists, mentors, and pro-life heroes.
Truth be told, I don’t fully know what to expect in the coming weeks. The possibilities are endless, and I’m preparing for whatever it is that may come. However, I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we ARE the Post-Roe Generation. Abortion WILL become illegal and unthinkable in our lifetime, and we are the ones who will make this a reality.
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