In December, 2021, Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement released its Christian Schools Project, investigating all 784 Christian schools across the country to identify any ties these Christian institutions have to the nation’s largest abortion vendor, Planned Parenthood.
Click here to read the full research findings.
Another goal of the Christian Schools Project was to encourage and identify schools which also support pregnant and parenting students on campus. SFLA is proud to introduce the Christian Schools Standing with You Scholarship Competition where we pick three Christian schools that are doing outstanding work for women on campus.

It’s time to highlight the amazing pro-life efforts of students who attend Christian colleges and universities across America who are setting the standard for great Christian schools. These groups have a passion for helping pregnant and parenting students on their Christian campus, and SFLA wants to award them for their efforts—with your help! By evaluating each school’s friendliness and support for parenting students on campus, we have narrowed it down to our top ten school groups, and now it’s up to you to help us choose the winner.
Check out one of the schools that made it to the top ten below: Marian University in Indiana
Marian University is one of ten student groups who are competing to be in the top three of all Christian Schools who will earn a scholarship for pregnant and parenting students on campus and an award for their group activities for the upcoming year.

Marian University, a Catholic institution, was given an A-grade during the Christian Schools Project for not promoting Planned Parenthood to their students. Members of Marian University Knights for Life work to protect life from conception to natural death and focus particularly on lives threatened by abortion, infanticide, embryonic stem cell research, and euthanasia.
Here are some accomplishments of the Marian University group:
- They have a baby shower planned this year to collect supplies for local pregnancy shelters.
- Their group also has made great progress in making Title IX rights visible and pregnancy/parenting resources available to students through the school’s sports program. Professors are required to include pregnancy and parenting student information on their syllabi.
- They have club meetings every month that cover a wide variety of topics including current abortion legislation, Chemical Abortion explanations, sidewalk counseling, a Post- Roe America, and much more.
- Their groups also hosts monthly events which included an event on fatherhood. Additionally, they hosted a Week for Life on campus, which included a Cemetery for the Innocent Display, a candlelight mass, sidewalk chalking, and a Eucharistic procession around campus. They also hosted a night on natural family planning, a Choose Life night (to shine a light on adoption and foster care), and attended the National Pro-Life March in Washington, D.C., They also attended the Indianapolis Celebrate Life Dinner with more than 80 participants from their group.
- They also pray outside the local abortion facility for three one-hour shifts every week of the school year.

You can vote for this school to receive a $1,500 scholarship for a pregnant or parenting student on their campus and up to $500 to help their group activities for the upcoming year. Click HERE to vote for Marian University (Ind.)!
And that’s not all, either—each of these three groups will also get to send two representatives to the National Leaders Collective. This is SFLA’s weekend of pro-life activism training for student leaders within our movement; at the National Leaders Collective, these two representatives will receive their award.
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