For a government agency that is supposed to be concerned with health, Biden’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seems awfully distracted with kissing up to the abortion lobby. Women’s wellness has been thrown to the wind with the latest changes to Chemical Abortion regulations, and it doesn’t look like the situation is going to get any better with Biden’s nominee for head of the FDA, either. Here’s what you need to know about the infamous nominee, Dr. Robert Califf:
Califf’s Dark History with Abortion:
Dr. Robert Califf is an abortion supporter from way back. He actually held this same position under President Obama in 2016—and nothing good came from his leadership then, either. During his last stint in our country’s health agency, the FDA dramatically weakened the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation System (known as REMS) for Chemical Abortion pills.

There is no good excuse for why the FDA felt it was acceptable to weaken these essential regulations and only one answer for why it happened. It’s simple really—for Califf, Chemical Abortion has always been a priority. Women’s health on the other hand? Not so much.
Why Califf Is in the Spotlight Once Again:
Last November, the Biden Administration, in a faithful marriage to the abortion industry, nominated Califf to be head of the FDA once again—despite the fact that one third of the electorate doesn’t share such radical abortion views. His nomination struck fear into the hearts of all who value preborn life—and reasonably so.
Prior to the recent FDA Chemical Abortion regulation changes, Califf stated during a nomination hearing that he trusted the FDA to make the right decisions on Chemical Abortion regulations. Days later, the FDA made it’s detrimental changes to Chemical Abortion regulations—changes that served only to damn women and children further while strengthening the abortion industry—that allowed Chemical Abortion pills to be sent through the mail indefinitely. From back-alleys to home bathrooms, the FDA is doing everything humanly possible to prevent abortions from occurring in a medical setting. (Read more about the dangers of Chemical Abortion HERE.) These frightening changes caused members of the pro-life movement to speak out against Califf and warn of his extreme abortion views.

Senator Tommy Tuberville (R., Ala.) said, “Just a few days after Dr. Califf’s confirmation hearing, the FDA announced it would permanently allow abortion drugs to be available by mail order. I believe Dr. Califf will continue to advance this administration’s pro-abortion agenda, and I cannot support his nomination.”
Unfortunately, Califf has cleared “the Senate hurdle, ” but his confirmation is not complete—meaning the Pro-Life Generation does still have time to act—and that’s exactly what Students for Life Action (SFLAction) is doing.
How Students for Life Action Is Intervening:
Recognizing the danger of Califf for women’s health and preborn children’s safety, SFLAction has been in a nonstop, all-out fight over the possibility of Califf re-entering the FDA. SFLAction released a scoring alert for the nomination of Califf and sent a letter urging United States representatives to vote no on his nomination, stating that he was unfit for the position due to a “history of disregarding science and the wellbeing of the American people.”

SFLAction President Kristan Hawkins also sent a letter to the United States Senate Health Committee members, advising them against voting for Califf. She wrote, “Even if you are in favor of abortion, Dr. Califf’s championing of Chemical Abortion without medical oversight—knowing the risks—proves he is motivated by political power, not the safety and wellbeing of the Americans he seeks to serve.” Read the whole letter HERE.
What You Can Do to Help:
SFLAction has created an avenue for the Pro-Life Generation to help takedown Califf—and that means reaching out to your representatives. This is a crucial mission, and the pro-life movement needs to work together to defeat Califf. We need to be calling, emailing, and showing up to our representatives’ offices with one, unified message: Vote NO to Califf; he is dangerous to public health. Raise your voices, Pro-Life Generation—now is the time to act for life.
Click HERE to take action now with SFLAction!
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