Five Remarkable Christian Schools That Promote Pro-Life Values

Caroline Wharton - 14 Dec 2021


Out of 784 Christian colleges and universities rated in Students for Life of America (SFLA)’s Christian Schools Projectfive stood out as pro-life universities. They have done a remarkable job of providing pregnant and parenting resources on their campus. Not only is Planned Parenthood not promoted on their websites, but these schools also have life affirming pregnancy resource centers listed to help students.  



The five schools are listed below in no particular order: 

  • Ave Maria University (FL), Catholic; they have an extensive pro-life support network on campus. 
  • Liberty University (VA), Evangelical Christianity; they have multiple advertisements and endorsements of pregnancy resource centers on their website. 
  • Creighton University (NE), Catholic; they have pregnancy resource centers listed on their website and encourage students to volunteer at the pregnancy resource centers. 
  • Benedictine College (KS), Catholic; they have a pro-life group on campus, and the school helps organize a trip each year to the National Pro-Life March. 
  • Arizona Christian University, (AZ) Baptist; students pray outside Planned Parenthood and participate in pro-life walks to the abortion facility. 

Some of the services that these schools provide include encouraging pregnant students, having campus care programs focused towards pregnant and parenting students, providing life-affirming counseling, being supportive of pro-life efforts on campus, and/or having babysitting programs. All these schools were eager to work with SFLA to make sure their websites included life-affirming resources for students to access. 



Ave Maria University in Florida is an excellent example of a pro-life college. Not only do they have online resources, they incorporate a Campus Care Babysitting Program that helps encourage pregnant students while serving parenting students and living out the pro-life message on campus. Their program started with the Standing With You materials from SFLA. It has since grown into an administration sanctioned program.  

The goal of the Christian Schools Project is to raise public awareness of Christian schools maintaining relationships with Planned Parenthood in order to encourage infracting schools to restore their Christian values by cutting ties with the abortion giant. The five schools listed above have taken great strides to create a culture that is in direct support of values that protect life. 

Anyone can make a difference on a college campus; whether a student or staff/faculty member, you can be the source of life-affirming change. 

Click HERE to learn more about the Christian Schools Project! 

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