SHOCKING: Pro-Life Investigator Says Babies are Born, Then Dissected Alive by Researchers

Brenna Lewis - 06 Aug 2021


In May, Students for Life and other pro-life allies rallied at the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) to demand action on the university’s inhumane research on aborted children. The university’s activities were recently exposed in a video and testimony by David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress.

Read more about Daleiden’s testimony HERE.

Now, Daleiden has released even MORE disturbing allegations about the University of Pittsburgh’s “research” on aborted babies. He alleges that researchers are specifically targeting minority babies, birthing them alive and whole, and dissecting them alive to harvest their kidneys. Daleiden shared in a press release:

“Pitt is now admitting to news media that the aborted babies are still alive at the time their kidneys are cut out for NIH grant money. Pitt’s grant application for GUDMAP advertised this to the federal government and that labor induction abortions, where the baby is pushed out of the mother whole, would be ‘used to obtain the tissue.’ The plain meaning of the GUDMAP grant application, and the University of Pittsburgh’s statement today explaining it, is that Pitt and the Planned Parenthood abortion providers responsible for its ‘research’ abortions are allowing babies, some of the age of viability, to be delivered alive, and then killing them by cutting their kidneys out.”

Press release about babies being dissected alive.

Press release of Pitt researchers admitting babies’ hearts still beating upon dissection.

During a segment on Tucker Carlson Tonight, pro-life journalist David Daleiden discussed the University of Pittsburgh’s horrific fetal-scalping experiments, as well as U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci’s connection to such research.

Those attempting to condone the death by disembowelment (in a manner that targets Black individuals) claim that the ends justify the means. Here’s a hot take: if your ends require dissecting babies alive, your ends are bad. There’s literally no way to make it good. This is the kind of thing Holocaust doctors did to prisoners “in the name of scientific advancement” and what China does to death row inmates. And neither are exactly beacons of ethical behavior.

This report is shocking, yet tragically, it also isn’t. We already knew University of Pittsburgh researchers were committing atrocities. Adding the racism of targeting Black babies for horrendous, painful deaths is just another mark on an already unspeakably evil record.

Stay tuned for updates on our further response.

As reported by Students for Life in the spring…

The rally featured SFLA’s Michele Hendrickson, Eastern Regional Director for Students for Life of America and more.

SFLA’s Michele Hendrickson noted:

University of Pittsburgh has created a new low in ethical and moral standards for their students, corrupting any credibility their research department may have had, and formed a dark shadow over the entire Pitt community.  

The Center for Medical Progress has exposed some of the most barbaric experiments carried out on human persons right here in these walls, including  

  • Scalping 5-month-old aborted babies and stitching those scalps onto lab rats  
  • Exporting fetal kidneys across the country  
  • Killing infants delivered alive for liver harvesting 

Students of this university are rightfully outraged that their tuition dollars support an institution capable of such unethical research. As taxpayers, we should all be outraged at the millions of dollars poured into research that isn’t even the most effective option we have today. Using aborted fetal tissue has been proven time and again unnecessary and largely ineffective  

Credible, and clearly more progressive researchers than those here at Pitt, have developed ethical methods that yield better results, and we know those have been available for decades. The methods used at the University of Pittsburgh are cruel, grotesque, and completely halt any hope of ethical scientific advancement.

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