On April 6th, 2021, I listened in on a senate committee hearing in Nevada on SB 364, which would force hospitals and healthcare facilities that treat victims of sexual assault to provide potentially abortifacient so-called emergency contraceptives. Unfortunately, there was only public testimony supporting the bill and none in opposition.
Both a representative from Planned Parenthood and a representative from NARAL Pro-Choice America falsely testified that emergency contraceptives do not end a pregnancy, which contradicts what the actual manufacturers of emergency contraceptives say about how their drugs and devices operate. Emergency contraceptives don’t only work by preventing ovulation or fertilization; there is a third, backup mode of operation, which is to make the uterus hostile, preventing an embryo that may be conceived from implanting in the uterus. The result is that a human life would be expelled from his or her mother’s body as a result of the drug (such as Plan B) or device (such as a copper IUD) used as an emergency contraceptive.
As the Regional Coordinator for Students for Life of America, I have worked tirelessly with Felipe Avila, who serves as the Nevada Public Policy Captain for Students for Life Action, to stop pro-abortion legislation in Nevada. Senate Bill 364 neglects to consider the abortifacient effects of emergency contraception. This lack of clarity appeared to confuse pro-life legislators into voting in favor of the bill that would promote potentially abortifacient drugs.
Remarks from Felipe Avila, Nevada Public Policy Captain for Students for Life Action:
“The representatives for pro-abortion organizations like NARAL initiated their testimony by repeating that emergency contraception does NOT cause abortion, this is outrageously false. The back of Plan B’s box states that it may prevent a fertilized egg from implanting. As we know, a fertilized egg is a new human life. Many emergency contraception drugs like Plan B create a hostile environment in the mother’s uterus that may prevent the fertilized egg from implanting, resulting in an abortion. It is our role to ensure we stop the predation of the abortion industry and correct its lies.”
This article was contributed by Lea Kalinowski, Students for Life of America NorCal Regional Coordinator, and Felipe Avila, Nevada Public Policy Captain for Students for Life Action.
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