In Rochester, New York, there’s a woman named Dorina Hayes who has undergone three abortions at the local Planned Parenthood of Central & Western New York and regrets them deeply. To memorialize the children she lost, she set up a small memorial on the roadside (much like you see done for car crash victims). BUT, not only does the Planned Parenthood not care that this post-abortive mother is suffering… but they are maliciously taking action against her memorial display.
The Timeline of Events
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Note the malice and middle finger in the face of a fellow woman’s loss.
What’s Wrong with this Picture?
A Daniel Prudes memorial was put up in the city of Rochester during the BLM riots and is still up to this day. Additionally, there are multiple car crash victim memorials in the area.
So, to recap: we have an abortion facility refusing to let a mother grieve, a homeowner’s association that has partnered with the abortion facility to further harass the mother, a lackluster police response, and the generally not good look of it being exclusively men who have attacked the display (and even physically shoved Dorina). The RPD has scheduled another meeting for Feb. 18th at 11:00a.m.
Oh, It’s THAT Planned Parenthood
This is not the first run-in with this particular Planned Parenthood. In July 2020, pro-life students painted “Black Preborn Lives Matter” on the street outside of their headquarters. One of the students was Ben Chernjavsky – the same student who helped Dorina put up her memorial. Planned Parenthood, who apparently think they own the entire general area in which they exist, vandalized the paint and blacked out the word “preborn.”
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