Joe Biden’s Abortion Policies are the Opposite of Most Americans

Kristi Hamrick - 28 Jan 2021

As President Biden Prepares to End the Mexico City Policy, Force Abortion Funding into Healthcare, Attack the Hyde Amendment and Codify Roe, His Extremist Policy Swings Are the Opposite of Most Americans 

(and of his own former record.) 


“If your ‘healthcare policy’ kills people on purpose, you’re doing it wrong,” says Students for Life of America/SFLAction President Kristan Hawkins. “The Mexico City policy requires that taxpayer healthcare investment goes to life-saving care and not abortion, which is common ground and commonsense. In fact, more than half of the generation most targeted for abortion, Millennials and Gen Z, don’t want to pay for abortions worldwide.” 


WASHINGTON D.C. (1-26-2021) On a day set aside for “healthcare” policy announcements from President Joe Biden, Students for Life of America/SFLA Action President Kristan Hawkins observed that on every major abortion policy decision expected today, the President is moving in the wrong direction. This  week, SFLA   released a new poll showing that Millennials  and  Gen  Z, the generations presumed to support abortion, actually hold  more pro-life views than some might expect and that there is   lot of  common ground on abortion  limits for those paying attention …  starting with opposition to taxpayer funded abortion. “As Biden prepares to get rid of the Mexico City policy that prevents U.S. taxpayer funds from paying for worldwide abortion, he should know that 53 % of Millennial and Gen Z voters oppose paying for abortions around the world. And they are not alone,” Hawkins observed.

Supporting the position of Millennials and Gen Z is the Republican Study Committee (RSC), chaired by Congressman Jim Banks. The RSC has spearheaded two hundred Republican colleagues pledging to protect the Hyde Amendment and fight Democrat attempts to force taxpayers to subsidize more abortion violence on US soil.  

Americans do not want to subsidize the violence carried out by billion-dollar abortion corporations at home or abroad, and Democrats who move to force taxpayers to do so will be engaged in a grave mistake in a time of razor-thin margins and an election coming in two years,” said Hawkins.

To learn more about the surprising poll results that revealed a thoughtful and nuanced view on abortion from Millennials and Gen Z, click here to read Hawkins’ op-ed at RealClearPolitics today.  

To learn more about SFLA/SFLAction’s activities THIS WEEK in the D.C. area and across the country, visit: 

For more complete findings and analysis, click here to read more at SFLA’s Institute for Pro-Life Advancement. But consider these key takeaways on the Biden Administration Agenda that illustrate the wrong direction for abortion policy:  

  • Mexico City Policy (pay for abortions and abortion marketing worldwide):
    • 53 percent did not support paying for abortions around the world.
  •   Hyde Amendment (limits abortion funding to rape, incest and when the mother’s life is in danger:
    • 45 % to 38 % believe that taxpayer funding for abortion should be limited to Rape, Incest and when the Mother’s Life is in danger.
    • Almost 5 in 10 do not support forcing all Americans, regardless of their beliefs, to pay for abortions. (36% were okay with it, fewer than many expect.)
    • Overall, 48 percent did not support taxpayer funded of abortion (more than wanted it.)
  • Codifying Roe (making a federal law that allows for the basic findings of Roe that allows abortion through all 9 months, for any reason at all and sometime with taxpayer funding, and it can impede states from passing pro-life laws.)
    • Almost 7 out of 10 Millennials and Gen Z want to VOTE on abortion-related policy.
    • More than 7 out of 10 expressed support for limits on abortion.
    • In fact, MORE Millennials and Gen Z directly supported reversingRoeand sending abortion policy to the states and voters than opposed it.
    • More than 4 in 10 supported overturning Roe to allow the issue to return to the states where voters could engage.
    • Less than 2 out of 10 want unlimited abortion through all 9 months,  which Roe allows
  • Unlimited, “No Test” Chemical Abortion (Distributing life-ending drugs without Health & Safety Standards and on-line or through a phone app.)
    • A physical exam is an important safeguard for women sold chemical abortion pills, now 40 % of the abortion market. By a small margin, Millennials and Gen Z support requiring life-saving exams before a Chemical Abortion. (44 % to 39 %)
    • Learning about the risks to future fertility if women don’t have their blood type checked for Rh Negative status did not change their viewpoint on requiring exams for Chemical Abortion. (38 % were still okay with dropping the exam.)
    • Learning that Chemical Abortions are more dangerous later in pregnancy, Millennials and Gen Z were slightly more likely to support an exam. (38 % to 35 %)
    • Learning that there can be complications to a Chemical Abortion if it didn’t fully complete moved Millennials and Gen Z the most. Almost half (45 %) supported a follow up exam after a Chemical abortion, compared to 30 % who opposed.
    • Preventing abusive people and partners from anonymously getting Chemical Abortion Pills that they slip to pregnant mothers without their consent got the greatest agreement. By a margin of 55 % to 23 %, Millennials and Gen Z supported in-person purchase to stop abuse.
    • Legislators backing Chemical Abortion Pill regulation got good news: by a margin of 52 percent to 25 %, Millennials and Gen Z said they were more likely to vote for a legislator who supported Chemical Abortion Pill Regulation after they learned more about it.
  • Restricting Student free speech through speech codes, threats, violence and opposition.
    • But more than 6 in 10 (66 % to 20 %) that schools should protect students’ free speech rights

Methodology: This online quantitative research was conducted by The Polling Company between January 7 – 11, 2021 among 800 registered voters age 18 – 34. Respondents self-identified themselves as 30% Republican, 36% Democrat, and 34% Independent. Margin of error: ± 3.46% 

For interviews, contact Kristi Hamrick [email protected].


Students for Life Action (SFLAction)is the 501c4sister organization of Students for Life of America (SFLA), the nation’s largest, pro-life, student organization with more than 1,240groups on middle, high school, and university campuses in all 50 states. Students for Life has more conversations with those most targeted by the abortion industry every day, week, and year than any other pro-life outreach in the world and mobilizes the Pro-Life Generation to confront abortion at the local, state and national levels daily. Every week, Students for Life entities reach more than 2 million people across social media platforms to have nearly 200,000 digital conversations with the most engaged pro-life online audience in the world.

Students for Life of America (SFLA)is the nation’s largest, pro-life, youth organization. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, SFLA serves more than 1,240 groups on college and university, middle and high school, medical and law school campuses in all 50 states. Student pro-life organizations work to confront policies on their campuses to support pregnant and parenting students, to end Planned Parenthood’s relationships with schools and communities, and to change minds of their peers about abortion. SFLA has more conversations with those most targeted by the abortion industry every day, week, and year than any other pro-life entity.

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