The entire month of October every year is recognized as “Respect Life Month.” Though pro-life activism takes place year-round, October has an extra-heavy concentration of national (and local) pro-life events. But, whether you’re a student or not, you don’t really want to wait until October arrives to start making plans. Read on, think about what you and/or your group might want to participate in, and make some plans!
Election Activism
During election years, October is a major time of getting out the vote and encouraging those around us to vote pro-life first. You can make a real difference by volunteering with Students for Life Action to help make phone calls, send text messages, and door knock for LIFE. You can even make some cash doing it.
Students for Life truly believes this is a historic election – and a big deal when it comes to how the preborn will be protected (or not) after November 3rd. Unfortunately, the choice Americans face each presidential election continues to get starker and starker. We can expect to be looking at some type of pro-life candidate vs. someone who wants to codify Roe and supports limitless, taxpayer funded abortion. That’s why it’s so important to educate voters!
Learn more about election volunteer opportunities HERE.
40 Days for Life
This event is a 40-day-long prayer vigil organized across the country that takes place in the spring and fall. While predominantly a Catholic event, all are welcome. 40 Days for Life events typically take place on the sidewalks outside of abortion facilities and participants pray for an end to abortion. The goal is to have someone outside a participating location around the clock for the entire 40 days.
You can find the location nearest you HERE.
Life Chain
Life Chain is another religiously-affiliated (but not required) event that involves public witness. Participants stand in highly visible locations, whether that be in front of abortion facilities or not, holding pro-life signs. As its name would suggest, sign-holders stand in a “chain” to increase the visual effect. This event has existed nationwide for more than 33 years.
To find a Life Chain event in your area, email the organizers here.
National Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity
Every third Tuesday in October, pro-lifers pledge to be silent for the day in solemn solidarity with those tens of millions of children whose voices have been silenced by abortion. This year, the date of the event is Tuesday, October 20th. Traditionally, this is done with red LIFE tape over the mouth, but there are variations. Participants may find it helpful to keep a little “handout” with them to explain what they’re doing for the day!
Click here to learn more about 2019’s event.
National Pro-Life Chalk Day
Sidewalk chalking is the ideal campus activism. It requires practically no money and minimal time, yet it sends the pro-life message loud and clear! With a handful of chalk and an arsenal of pro-life slogans, you can leave a lasting impression on hundreds or even thousands of people. This year’s Chalk Day is Tuesday, October 20th (yes, the same day as the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity). You can even combine those two events!
Click here to read about 2019’s Chalk Day.
National Pro-Life Cupcake Day
October 9th is National Pro-Life Cupcake Day! On this day, pro-life individuals and groups organize a tabling event to hand out cupcakes and positively promote life. Many will include something like a fetal development fact with the distribution of a cupcake, or encourage recipients to have a dialogue about the issue.
Learn more about Cupcake Day here.
This is just a sampling of national events in October! Chances are, there are additional local events going on near you. Click here for a website that tries to track pro-life events in all 50 states – but please note that it is not comprehensive. Check with your local churches, Right to Life chapter, and SFLA Regional Coordinator to make sure you don’t miss out. Plus, don’t be afraid to organize your own event! There are plenty of fun, creative things to do in the fall season.
Think something’s missing? Let us know! Email [email protected].
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