The pro-life movement is wide in scope and encompasses many different aspects. Even so, sometimes the most seasoned pro-life activists can run out of ideas or find themselves in need of fresh suggestions. There are SO many things the Pro-Life Generation can do to continue turning the tide and changing our culture for Life. The ideas below vary in complexity and theme, but each is so important to educating others about abortion.
Apparel / Signage to Get People Talking
1) Pin a baby sock to your backpack. When people ask you about it, use it to start a conversation about abortion and how life is valuable.
2) Wear a pro-life shirt to start conversations. Shop here.
3) Put a yard sign in front of your house that says, “Vote Pro-Life.”
4) Put a yard sign in front of your house that says, “Pregnant? Text HELPLINE to 313131” or another supportive message with resources.
5) Chalk pro-life messages on a sidewalk near you.
6) Advertise and market for your local pregnancy help center at events and on your campus.
7) Put a pro-life bumper sticker on your car, laptop, or water bottle.
Pro-Life Events to Host, Attend, or Volunteer
8) Host a screening of a pro-life movie and have a discussion afterwards.
9) Host your friends for an “ask a pro-lifer” dinner or table discussion on the issue.
10) Host “Coffee and Conversations” where you meet up for coffee with your friends and talk about life issues.
11) Organize a Life Chain the first Sunday in October.
12) Arrange to do a pro-life booth at your county fair or church festival.
13) Do a pro-life car wash to raise awareness and money for local efforts.
14) Host an SFLA Campus tour (email your Regional Coordinator at [yourstate]@studentsforlife.org.)
15) Host a pro-life speaker, panel, or debate at school.
16) Do a flyering campaign on campus.
17) Host SFLA president Kristan Hawkins for a speaking tour stop.
18) Write letters of support to women at your local pregnancy center.
19) Help mentor a new mom/couple. Help them put together a budget, learn new job skills, or make connections.
20) Create a group at your church or within your school that reaches out to new parents and offers help and mentoring.
21) Organize a sidewalk counseling train at your local abortion facility with your friends or church to always have someone on the sidewalk during abortion times.
22) Volunteer at local pregnancy help center.
23) Set up an item drive for a pregnancy help center.
24) Attend national pro-life events like the National Pro-Life March and National Pro-Life Summit in January.
25) Support other local pro-life organizations.
26) Help start other pro-life groups in schools, churches, and communities.
27) Participate in 40 Days for Life each fall and spring.
28) Put together Blessing Bags for sidewalk counseling (either you counsel or make it for other volunteers to pass out).
29) Do a service day at a maternity home.
30) Get your church to help host an item drive so the congregation can get involved in helping women.
Online Outreach
31) Host a movie screening of a pro-life movie and have a discussion over video call.
32) Pick an apologetics presentation on Students for Life’s YouTube or Facebook, or one of Kristan’s speaking events. Watch and discuss with your Students for Life group.
33) Start a pro-life blog and use it to provide resources.
34) Start Amazon baby registries to support local mothers.
35) Have conversations about abortion with a pro-choice friend (online, in person, or over the phone).
36) Start following NARAL, Planned Parenthood, Abortion Access Front, etc. on social media and plan to counter their events.
37) Request a virtual training from your Regional Coordinator about pro-life apologetics.
38) Sign up to access the History Maker Toolkit.
39) Join a “Coffee & Conversations” session with your Regional Coordinator.
40) Refer friends/family to askaprolifer.com.
41) Volunteer to help Students for Life Action with phone calls to voters.
42) Tell a pro-life friend at another school about our New Group Trainings.
Political Activism
43) Write letters to your representatives encouraging them to vote pro-life on legislation in your state.
44) Help elect pro-life candidates this Fall with our #VoteProLifeFirst Campaign!
45) Join Students for Life for a Lobby Trip this Spring.
46) Know who your legislators are! Call them and introduce yourself. Ask them to sponsor pro-life legislation. Thank them when they vote right. If they’re not pro-life, then ask them to help fix foster care and adoption in your state!
47) Submit a letter to the editor about pro-life legislation and elections. Also, we might publish it on our blog!
48) Sign and promote pro-life petitions.
49) Talk about pregnancy discrimination on campus. Distribute our Bill of Rights.
50) Ask administrators to make campuses pregnancy/parenting “safe zones” and ask professors to include pregnancy protections in their syllabi.
- Host a baby shower for single moms at your church.
- Babysit for a single parent from your school or church.
- Mentor a foster youth.
- Become a foster parent.
- Enforce kicking Planned Parenthood out of schools and closing/delaying abortion facilities from opening.
- Be a resource for pregnant and parenting moms! Keep a list of free or low-cost options for medical care, counseling services, or resources.
- Make Baby Boxes for local families.
- Organize a diaper drive competition with a Students for Life group at a rival school.
- SFLA has many creative campus display ideas.
- Bring up the issue in class or work it into a school assignment.
- Work with your school to get maternity parking, diaper decks, etc.
Do you have questions about any of these pro-life activity ideas? Contact your SFLA Regional Coordinator! There is a coordinator for every state whose full-time job it is to serve pro-life students. Just email [yourstate]@studentsforlife.org if you don’t yet know your Regional Coordinator. Click here to learn more about them.
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