Students for Life of America Calls on the FDA to Protect Women from a Predatory Chemical Abortion Sales Team, Raises concerns about Environmental Impact of Human Remains in America’s Water
“Given the deadly consequences of the drugs for women and certainly the preborn, no public policy interest is served in recklessly handing out pills that can cause death,” said SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins. “And with 40 percent of abortions now painfully ending on toilets across America, Students for Life has grave concerns about the impact of human remains in America’s waterways.”
WASHINGTON D.C. (06-01-2020) – Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins released a letter to the FDA expressing support for the agency’s defense of patient safety and calling for the FDA to hold the line against multiple, political abortion activist assaults against health and safety standards for chemical abortion pills. “In light of the lawsuit filed by the ACLU, as well as 21 state attorney generals and a former FDA head joining forces with abortion industry enterprises, it’s clear that the allies of abortion in America want to make it easier to sell chemical abortion pills, no matter what happens to women. Over the last three years, Students for Life of America has been confronting the deceptions used to push chemical abortion pills as a quick fix on campuses across the nation, but nothing could be further than the truth,” said Hawkins. “When it comes to chemical abortion pills, abortion sales teams have no time for testing to make sure a woman survives, no time to talk to her to make sure she’s not underage, abused or coerced and offers no hope for her as a strong women with options and a future if she’s also a mom. A quick sale is in the interest of abortion vendors, not women who can suffer deadly harm.”
“But with the abortion lobby pushing to reconsider how we handle chemical abortion pills, Students for Life of America calls on the FDA to reexamine the environmental impact of human remains in America’s water. With 40% of all abortions committed with chemical abortion pills in which women are sent home to bleed profusely and flush a pre-born child away, it’s important to understand how that is impacting the environment, especially as California prepares to require its public colleges and universities to distribute the deadly drugs.”
· Hold the line on the REMs that require an examination that protects women, including requiring a Rh-negative assessment.
· Seize websites illegally selling chemical abortion pills to American citizens.
· Re-examine and take control of the study that Gynuity Health Projects is engaged in, which is distributing life-ending drugs through a federal contractor, Planned Parenthood, in ways known to be unsafe.
· Re-open an examination of the environmental impact of flushing human remains into the nation’s water system.
Hawkins observed in the letter: “As the New York Times recently detailed, the market shift of the abortion industry has been long in the works and is now in plain sight during the coronavirus crisis … This concerted effort to take advantage of a crisis to make it easier to sell life-ending drugs ignores the dangers of such pills, well known to the FDA.”
But as the abortion industry works to re-open a conversation about how to regulate chemical abortion drugs, Students for Life of America calls for an Environmental Assessment of the impact of human remains on America’s waterways.
Hawkins observes: “During the approval process for RU-486, an environmental impact study for the drugs focused on the impact of packaging for the drugs, rather than on the impact of human remains in our waste water system and ground water. Today, with so many lives ending by such chemical abortion pills, it’s vital to reopen an inquiry into the environmental impact on our water and land as so many human beings are being flushed away. When you consider that the Environmental Protection Agency recommends against flushing tampons to preserve the environment and water safety, how much more significant is disposing of human remains through the waste water systems across America?
“As the American Academy of Family Physicians observes, “Home based health care can create medical waste which can be hazardous if not disposed properly.”
“The college students who work with us have tremendous concern about the environment, and as states such as California push forward a policy to require distribution of chemical abortion drugs on campuses, such students will be exposed to blood and human tissue in the dorms and other student housing as will those who work in school physical plants and in maintenance.
“Surely this raises concerns for the FDA, which is required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 to consider “the environmental impact of its actions.”
“As you know, “(a)n Environmental Assessment (EA) serves to provide sufficient evidence and analysis for an agency to determine whether significant environmental impacts may occur from the proposed action. While an EA is usually prepared by the applicant (i.e., drug sponsor or feed additive petitioner), the FDA is ultimately responsible for its scope and content.” Given the increasing scope of chemical abortions, the impact on the environment of human remains in the water system should be closely evaluated.”
Students for Life has a new project for educating the generation targeted for abortion. Ads resulting from the project have been blocked by Facebook, though conversations with the social media giant are on-going. Learn more about the campaign at: https://www.thisischemicalabortion.com
Click here to read the entire letter to the FDA. Recently, the abortion lobby has been pushing for no test abortion. Click here to read more on how that puts women at risk.
For media interviews, e-mail Kristi at [email protected].
Students for Life of America is the nation’s largest, pro-life, youth organization. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, SFLA serves more than 1200 groups on college, universities and high school campuses in all 50 states.
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