The Pro-Life Generation and pro-life Illinois citizens are rallying this Friday against a new abortion facility in Waukegan, Illinois, north of Chicago. The abortion facility was built in an unethical manner, secretly and without many people knowing. This, of course, is the method of the scandal-plagued abortion giant, Planned Parenthood.
In a statement, Sarah Minnich, Illinois Regional Coordinator for Students for Life stated, “The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that Americans are willing to sacrifice nearly everything to protect vulnerable human life, and that must extend to pre-born human beings to ensure justice for all. Abolishing abortion will stop Planned Parenthood’s life-ending business model. But we’ve learned that saving lives is a national goal for most Americans. ”
Eric Scheidler, Executive Director of Pro-Life Action League stated, “Planned Parenthood has already cornered 40% of the American abortion market…That they’re celebrating the opening of a new abortion facility even in the midst of an international pandemic shows that Planned Parenthood is really all about abortion.”
Mary Kate Knorr, Illinois Right to Life also added, “Governor Pritzker has closed churches, schools, and businesses in the name of protecting human life, but has allowed a new abortion clinic to open, where the lives of thousands of human children will be violently ended. He says that he is ‘listening to the scientists’—what about the science that clearly shows abortion takes a human life?”
What: Protest of Planned Parenthood’s new abortion facility in Waukegan
When: Friday, May 22, 2020, at 12 p.m. CT
Where: Planned Parenthood, 1601 N. Lewis Avenue, Waukegan, Illinois (map)
For questions, contact Matt Lamb at [email protected].
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