The United Nations is supposed to promote world peace and international stability and serve as a place for countries to work out conflicts before turning to war. But instead, it has become another global entity that takes U.S. taxpayer dollars to fund abortion propaganda.
Elyssa Koren, Director of United Nations Advocacy for ADF International, the international arm of pro-life non-profit Alliance Defending Freedom, recently criticized the United Nations in an op-ed in Newsweek.
Koren writes, “the United Nations is moving forward with a $2.01 billion response to the coronavirus pandemic. The plan raises significant cause for concern, given the emphasis on the provision of abortion for women—including girls….The plan allocates $120 million to the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA), $450 million to the WHO and the remaining funds to other branches of the U.N. system. UNFPA is the ‘responsible entity’ for coronavirus actions relating to pregnancy, including access to emergency obstetric care and maternal health services. It also is tasked with ensuring access to ‘sexual and reproductive health services,’ which is U.N. parlance for abortion. According to UNFPA, ‘women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health choices and rights must be respected regardless of…COVID-19. This including access to contraception, emergency contraception, safe abortion where legal and to the full extent of the law, and post-abortion care.”
Taxpayers should not be funding abortions, domestically or internationally. That’s one reason that pro-life groups have also criticized the World Health Organization for funding and promoting abortions.
As previously reported by Fox News, “A host of pro-life leaders questioned whether the U.S. should continue funding the World Health Organization (WHO) after it voiced support for abortion during the coronavirus pandemic.”
Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America has previously stated, “Pregnancy is not a disease cured by abortion, and using American tax dollars to prop up an organization committed to abortion is a misuse of scarce resources. The Trump Administration should restrict funds to organizations funding and supporting abortion to better invest in real solutions to world problems.”
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