Shelby Township in Michigan has put itself on the map by telling pro-abortion Governor Gretchen Whitmer to declare abortion non-essential.
The Shelby Township board recently unanimously voted to declare abortion non-essential and to urge Governor Whitmer to do the same.
“A Shelby Township board is asking Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to remove abortions from the list of medical procedures deemed “essential” during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis,” reports Click on Detroit, a local news channel.
The resolution states in part, “the Charter Township of Shelby supports the argument for ‘sanctity of life’ from the moment of conception and supports a hospitals [sic] decision to ban non-essential abortion procedures during the State of Emergency within the State of Michigan…the Charter Township of Shelby Board of Trustees hereby adopts this resolution as a record of its request to GovernorWhitmer to amend Executive Orders to ban non-essential surgical abortion procedures during the State of Emergency to address the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
While the resolution does not force Governor Whitmer to do anything, it sends a strong message to the Governor that her constituents in Shelby Township are pro-life and want to see their state respect the sanctity of life.
Governor Whitmer has a record of supporting abortion, including up until the moment of birth. She joined other pro-abortion, Democratic legislators in October in supporting the Reproductive Health Act, which would legalize abortion up until the moment of birth; legislation in New York and Illinois does this already.
Whitmer recently said abortion is “life-sustaining” and wore a hat that said, “Planned Parenthood Makes America Great” in an apparent play on President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.
Emily Stumpo, the Michigan Regional Coordinator for Students for Life said, “Shelby Township made a great decision by declaring themselves pro-life and sending a message to Governor Whitmer that her constituents do not support her pro-choice positions.”
Governor Whitmer also vetoed legislation that would end dismemberment abortions in the state. Students for Life student leaders in Michigan helped pro-life groups across the state collect signatures for a ballot measure to overturn her veto. The Diocese of Grand Rapids noted, “On Dec. 23, 2019, Right to Life of Michigan’s Michigan Values Life coalition submitted 379,418 signatures believed to be valid to the Michigan Bureau of Elections to initiate legislation to ban dismemberment abortion (also known as dilation and evacuation or D&E) in Michigan.”
READ NEXT: New Mexico City Declares: ‘We Are Pro-Life and Reject The Pro-Choice Agenda”
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