University of Michigan Football Coach Jim Harbaugh Says ‘Nothing More Horrendous Than Abortion’

Brenna Lewis - 14 Apr 2020

University of Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh used a recent interview about the coronavirus and how college teams are adapting to criticize abortion as “horrendous.”

Harbaugh was being interviewed on, a conservative website, by Jay Nordlinger, a National Review senior editor.

During the interview, Coach Harbaugh said, “Even now, as we all go through what we’re going through with COVID-19, I see people more concerned about others…More prayerful. As I said, God has virtually stopped the world from spinning. I don’t think it’s coincidence. My personal feeling, living a faith-based life, this is a message or this is something that should be a time where we grow on our faith for reverence and respect for God. You see people taking more of a view of sanctity of life. And I hope that can continue. I hope it continues, and not just in this time of crisis or pandemic…And lastly, abortion. We talk about the sanctity of life, yet we live in a society that aborts babies…There can’t be anything more horrendous.”

Harbaugh has previously shared that his faith and family are priorities in his life before football, according to the Catholic News Agency.

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