Over 180 Floridians Urge City Council To Reject New Abortion Facility

Reversing Roe
Brenna Lewis - 09 Apr 2020

Port St. Lucie residents, and pro-lifers across the state of Florida, have remained active in urging the city of Port St. Lucie to not allow a new abortion facility to open.

Recently, they have sent nearly 200 e-mails to the Mayor of Port St. Lucie, urging him to not allow a new Planned Parenthood abortion facility in the city.

Using our Digital Action Center, activists have urged Mayor Oravec to use his power as the mayor to stop the new facility from opening.

The campaign against the new facility notes, “Planned Parenthood has a plan for Port St. Lucie, Florida. It wants to come in, suck up taxpayer money, deliver substandard healthcare, and abort babies.

No matter where you live in Florida, this new facility will affect YOU! Planned Parenthood will lobby to get more of your taxpayer dollars and will target kids and adults for abortion. We know that Planned Parenthood facilities regularly have to call ambulances, evade basic health and safety rules, and take away taxpayer dollars that should be going to real healthcare options! They already have not followed the proper permitting process for making renovations, so we can only guess what other laws and regulations they will decide to ignore next.”

Ryan Neuhaus, the Florida Regional Coordinator for Students for Life of America, notes that the pro-life movement has been united and energized to stop the new facility.

Neuhaus has previously stated, “In the last 3 months only 1 person has testified in support of the Planned Parenthood opening. No official representatives have appeared and many citizens have opposed the operation of the PP in their city.”

Katie Lodjic, the National Field Director for Students for Life Action has been working with Students for Life staff and students to help push back against abortion facilities in several states, including Florida and Kansas.

Lodjic said, “Florida pro-lifers have shown that constant pressure and raising awareness is a vital part of any strategy to combat the abortion industry. Planned Parenthood may have hundreds of millions of dollars to spend on slick public relations campaigns and media relations, but the pro-life movement just needs to keep stating the truth about Planned Parenthood and making our voices heard, and we will be successful.”

READ MORE: Pro-Life Generation Keeps Pressure On Port St. Lucie To Reject New Planned Parenthood Facility

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