The ACLU, which in recent years has moved away from defending civil liberties to focusing on expanding abortion through all nine months of pregnancy for any reason, has recently come out against several states, including Indiana, for prohibiting abortions during the coronavirus crisis.
Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb has ordered that non-essential services, including abortion, be ceased while the state confronts the coronavirus crisis. In addition to being non-essential, there is an ongoing question of why abortion facilities are not donating their valuable personal protective equipment to local hospitals and medical clinics. However, the abortion industry is one driven by greed and violence, so that probably answers that question.
According to thehour.com, the ACLU is furious that women may not be able to have abortions (this is while millions of people are losing jobs and people are not able to visit family and friends). They report, “Gov. Eric Holcomb’s directive calling for all Indiana health care facilities to cancel or postpone non-urgent surgical procedures amid the coronavirus pandemic should not restrict the ability of women to obtain abortions, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana said Wednesday.”
Lily Hutkowski, the Indiana and Ohio Regional Coordinator for Students for Life stated, “The ACLU has committed itself to promoting the violence of abortion, instead of advocating for the most vulnerable among us. They continue to show a complete disregard for human life.”
In response to the abortion industry trying to exempt itself for a prohibition on abortions in Texas, Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life stated, “From Roe v. Wade in the 1970s, a case that also started in Texas, until today, abortion vendors are sticking with their go-to strategy — do an end run around voters and elected officials to get to activist judges. The Governor of Texas has asked that at this time of crisis, scarce medical resources go to actual healthcare centers and that the always non-essential abortions be delayed. That’s the right call for women’s health as well as the health of the people of Texas, especially in light of the reports of shortages of personal protection equipment.”
Jaylem Durousseau, a Students for Life leader in Colorado noted, “After the order (particularly the one in Texas), members of the abortion lobby quickly responded in order to provide a poor defense of abortion that is riddled with hypocrisy and irony while demonstrating a clear fact: the abortion lobby cares more about committing abortions that the safety of women. This is not really news considering the substandard condition of abortion facilities, the opposition to common-sense protections that would require an abortion facility to meet healthcare facility standards, or the fact that their bottom line is directly correlated to the amount of women they exploit, etc. However, this new opposition to state measures demonstrates an even greater indifference to protecting women.”
You can urge your governor to urge a shut-down of abortion by using our Digital Action Center.
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