Kentuck Republican Attorney General Daniel Cameron recently called on the state’s Health and Family Services secretary to prevent the state’s abortion vendors from committing abortions during the coronavirus crisis.
Cameron stated, “I’m calling on CHFS Acting Secretary Eric Friedlander to certify, pursuant to KRS 15.241, that Kentucky’s abortion providers are violating his ban on elective medical procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic by continuing to perform abortions. Kentucky’s current ban on elective medical procedures exists to further the mandated policy of social distancing and to help conserve medical resources for use in fighting COVID-19.
Acting Secretary Friedlander is on the front lines of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, and I am confident that he understands, better than anyone, the necessity of ending abortion procedures during this health crisis. His certification will immediately trigger action by our office to stop elective procedures during the pandemic.
Abortion providers should join the thousands of other medical professionals across the state in ceasing elective procedures, unless the life of the mother is at risk, to protect the health of their patients and slow the spread of the coronavirus,” according to
Cameron has often been a lone pro-life voice in the administration of pro-abortion Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear. The Attorney General is an elected position in the state.
A March 18th press release by the Kentucky Family Foundation criticized abortion facilities for receiving a free pass from social distancing and quarantine rules.
“Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear has issued closing orders for everything from schools to nail salons but a University of Louisville-staffed abortion clinic seems to be operating full speed ahead…The Louisville abortion clinic, which is staffed by University of Louisville physicians who are part of its Ryan Residency Program, and where residents at Louisville Medical School help with the abortions, is still seeing customers. One witness tells us there were at least 25 patients visiting the clinic today. Additionally, there were others who entered the clinic as family members or friends.”
Beshear has helped pay back the abortion industry for supporting his election for governor in 2019; in January 2020, for example, he worked to help Planned Parenthood get an abortion license to commit abortions in the state.
Nearly 7,000 e-mails have been sent to governors across the country urging a shutdown of abortion facilities. You can use our Digital Action Center to send an e-mail to your governor today!
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