Colorado pro-lifers, led by the group Due Too Late, announced that they met their signature goal to allow Colorado voters to vote on late-term abortion in the state this November. The ballot measure, if passed, would prohibit abortion in almost all cases starting after twenty-two weeks, when preborn babies are believed to be able to feel pain.
A press release from the group stated, “On the eve of the March 4th deadline, Due Date Too Late has collected more than 135,000 signatures as a part of a bi-partisan effort to limit late term abortions in the state of Colorado. There were 43,000 signatures collected in the last 6 days. From a portion of the 135,000 signatures, our tracking indicates that more than 11% of voters signing the petition are Democrats and more than 26% are unaffiliated voters.”
Deacon Geoff Bennett, Vice President of Parish & Community Relations of Catholic Charities of Denver added, “We are pleased to exceed the number of signatures required to submit to the Secretary of State…With the leadership of Archbishop Aquila we are proud how the Catholic community supported the moral teachings of the Church against the attacks on the most innocent among us. We realize there is still work to do and we are ready for the challenges that lie ahead in putting an end to late-term abortion in Colorado.”
Due Too Late has been assisted by Students for Life members and staff who volunteered time to help advocate for the initiative. Lo Castillo, a student spokesperson for the group, also works as the Director of Development for Students for Life.
Furthermore, Students for Life Action leaders have volunteered time to collect petition signatures, including Colorado state captains Maggie Sayers and Jaylem Durousseau.
The Secretary of State must now certify the signatures.
The groups were successful in collecting signatures because they utilized their own networks to collect signatures. For example, supporters set up outside Ash Wednesday services last week to collect signatures, knowing that many Christians would be attending those services and would also be supportive of ending late-term abortions.
While Colorado is currently a ‘safe haven’ for late-term abortions, these pro-lifers are looking to change the tide and change the narrative.
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