VICTORY: 9th Circuit Rules in Favor of the Protect Life Rule

Kristi Hamrick - 25 Feb 2020

Students for Life of America says 9th Circuit Ruling to Continue the Protect Life Rule a Victory that ends the Abortion Lobby’s misuse of Family Planning resources to Market Abortion.

WASHINGTON D.C. (02-24-2020) – Following news that the often liberal 9th Circuit has affirmed the Trump Administration changes to the Title X family planning program, Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins made the following statement: “For too long, the Title X family planning program operated as a marketing slush fund for abortion vendors who abused the system to sell abortions. Taxpayers have been loud and clear that they don’t want their scarce resources to underwrite the abortion industry making this a victory for sound public policy and fiscal responsibility. Abortion is not a disease cured by abortion, and women have many healthcare options for full-service care making Planned Parenthood’s involvement in family planning programs irrelevant and unnecessary.”

This attempt by the nation’s number one abortion vendor to get even more tax dollars comes at a time in which Planned Parenthood made a huge withdrawal from taxpayers already. Last year, Planned Parenthood reported that they raked in more than $600 million from scarce taxpayer resources.

Students for Life was active in opposing this misuse of taxpayer funds. For Top 10 Reasons Women don’t need Planned Parenthood in Title X, click here.

For interviews or analysis, e-mail Kristi Hamrick at [email protected].

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